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Looking for GOOD Armor


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For leviate, kill Sorkvild The Raven who is found near Dagon Fel and somewhere in his tower you will find the Wizards Staff which is a pretty average staff, which has a handy 120 second levitation (cast when used) and fortify fatigue so that you're fatigue basically can't go down during the 2 minutes.





OOOH forgot to say, that tower also has the excellent Masque of Clavicus Vile, which fortifies personality 30 points constant effect and my orc has a crap heavy armour rating (20 something) and it has a rating in the 80's for him so imagine if you are actually good at heavy!!!!


Edit: Double post fixed. We have an edit function, so use it.

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You can't judge the armors armor rating if you don't have 100 in amor skill !

If you have, it will show the max of the armor...but you can always cheat!


BTW, does anyone know where the master trainer for medium armor and heavy armor is?


EDIT: I carry the Ebony Mail(my favourite), <----333 armor rating.(with 100 in medium armor.) and lots of misc stuff! I do have lots of weapons in my pocket..

too many...gotta put'em in stronghold !

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Ebecad, I suggest you use the search button or look through recent threads for favourite armour etc. There have been a lot of them and these will give you a great deal of additional info.


Contrary to some advice you are being given don't kill if you are not attacked. The chances are you'll screw up one of the quests somewhere along the line. (This doesn't apply if you're not interested in doing the quests of course). And in some cases the inability to complete an early quest will stop you rising higher in a faction. If you eliminate the vampire clans for instance you will never be able to join them and play their quests.


For good armour and weapons, spend a lot of time in the Daedric sites. They have several unique items and you can get seven daedric quests with good rewards. The cave of Ibar-dad west of the Urshillaku camp is also a daedric site. But again several of these (not the cave) are used in faction quests so you may want to find them as the quests proceed.


Kadude, you should noy hijack another's thread. Normally I would refer people to UESP for the list of master trainers but that is currently down so I will answer.


Heavy Armour is in the Arena (training area). There is no Medium Armour master trainer without a mod. If you get the mod she appears in the docks at Tel Fyr. If not just go and get yourself attacked by a bunch of cliff racers and let them keep hitting you. As long as you are wearing MA you'll level up quickly to max.


Moving this to spoilers.


Ebecad can we lock this now?

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You know, GOOD is really in the eye of the beholder. Myself, I prefer light armor like a nice DB suit or even a pair of enchanted pants. I prefer to peg my opponents from afar with a bow, then as they charge at me in their heavy armor, I nimbly jump up on a roof and let loose a rain of arrows.


So if you ask me, Chitin is the best.

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If you are willing to kill someone, you can go north-east of Balmora to Ghostgate. In one of the buildings there, you can find someone wearing full glass armour and a daderic helm of inspiration. (the armour is black with green glas sticking out of parts of it) GLass is an excellent light armour, but you must have some way of protecting yourself from the many people standing around the man who will attack you when you kill him...


ooc>blackmage have you seen 8-Bit Theatre? Seeing as you are Blackmage, Im pretty sure you have, but if not....Start with strip one and read them all!


btw 8 bit thatre is where my personal photo and avatar are from

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