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Creation Kit - Today?


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All of this crap is the reason why I've walked away from gaming for awhile. First it was steam with skyrim. Okay. Then skyrim was supposed to be the greatest TES game of the franchise. Okay. Now our beloved CK is delayed because of steam and Skyrim turned out to be the most arcade-like version in the franchise. Not okay. I'm fed up with all of the bs the gaming industry puts out there. I bought maybe three games last year, and this year, I might not buy any at all. This is getting ridiculous, games have become simplistic, unchallenging, and worst of all, linear. It's just my opinion, don't troll it too hard, but I need a break from all of this cheap money-grabbing. There's better things out there in life.
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and thus a little harder to reverse engineer anything in it; for whatever devious purpose.


Devious? Really?

They are a for-profit company, trying to make a profit on the work that took almost 5 years and cost tens of millions of dollars, and want to protect the codebase of their property, and that's devious? :rolleyes:


Right.. good job at misinterpretation. I feel you didn't understand the author's meaning, please read chapters 6 through 8 for homework.



All of this crap is the reason why I've walked away from gaming for awhile. First it was steam with skyrim. Okay. Then skyrim was supposed to be the greatest TES game of the franchise. Okay. Now our beloved CK is delayed because of steam and Skyrim turned out to be the most arcade-like version in the franchise. Not okay. I'm fed up with all of the bs the gaming industry puts out there. I bought maybe three games last year, and this year, I might not buy any at all. This is getting ridiculous, games have become simplistic, unchallenging, and worst of all, linear. It's just my opinion, don't troll it too hard, but I need a break from all of this cheap money-grabbing. There's better things out there in life.


Try indie games. I like spacechem and vvvvvv both are very challenging games.. but they aren't role playing and they are linear.. well vvvvv isn't linear actually.. but each of the areas are.

Edited by Sagenth
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well first off they didint spend millions developing s*** there using the Gamebryo 4.0 and Havok Physics.... GameBryo was used for fallout 3 morrowind and oblivion so give the credit where its due..... Gamebryo spent x amount of money developing the engine Bethesda spent X amount in licensing fees.... and spent x amount on artist to create the world... in reality there probably doing bug and stability testing for the CK.... Look how buggy and lggy the game came out


Gamebryo screen Shots bottom of page

Havok Physics Engine


Heres Some Usefull Info on PRE CK models and meshes

Nif Tools For Gamebyro Models

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well first off they didint spend millions developing s*** there using the Gamebryo 4.0 and Havok Physics.... GameBryo was used for fallout 3 morrowind and oblivion so give the credit where its due..... Gamebryo spent x amount of money developing the engine Bethesda spent X amount in licensing fees...


I think you should get your facts straight. Skyrim is on an entirely new engine.


Bethesda Softworks community manager Nick Breckon: http://twitter.com/#!/nickbreckon/status/14015054991069184


It's called The Creation Engine. Which is why they named the mod tools the "Creation Kit", rather than "Construction Set".

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it is.. and isn't. The creation engine thing is half marketing PR. Plenty of Gamebryo code in there.


it is misrepresenting what part of the package BGS used originally, what it actually even is, and what BGS actually have written themselves as far as modifying and deviating from the part of their engine that was once vanilla gamebryo when saying 'Gamebryo spent x amount of money developing the engine Bethesda spent X amount in licensing fees.'


gamebryo, in the sense that BGS uses parts of it, is not a complete engine by any stretch of imagination. what gamebryo was to them is a scene graph, renderer and an animation engine, and that's pretty much it. There is a lot more to a game engine than that.

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it is.. and isn't. The creation engine thing is half marketing PR. Plenty of Gamebryo code in there.


it is misrepresenting what part of the package BGS used originally, what it actually even is, and what BGS actually have written themselves as far as modifying and deviating from the part of their engine that was once vanilla gamebryo when saying 'Gamebryo spent x amount of money developing the engine Bethesda spent X amount in licensing fees.'


gamebryo, in the sense that BGS uses parts of it, is not a complete engine by any stretch of imagination. what gamebryo was to them is a scene graph, renderer and an animation engine, and that's pretty much it. There is a lot more to a game engine than that.


Yeah "Entirely New Engine" Wich is why its useing Havoks Phisycs And Gambyros Worlds ..... The Creation Engine is a joke its a PR ploy Yes they did add a lot of code themselvs adding on to the engines they have been useing since 2006 whn morrowind came about... personally had been Playing with Gambryo 4 for several months before i saw the first snips of skyrim and new immiadtly that it was useing GameBryo for rendering besides Bethesda has Benn Working With GB for several years now its silly to act like you cant interface with skyrim just because a CK isint out yet my point was there no point to cry about the CK it will be out when its ready... you can easily inyerface with the files with the tes4 editor niftools and plenty of the other tools that have been used to interface with other TES games and Fallout .NIF is the gamebyro models format so if you can use 3DS max then You can get new models Into Skyrim and build

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