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Creation Kit - Today?


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When are people going to start reading......


They said "beginning in January" which means sometime within the month of January, its only the 15th so that means they still have half the month to release it.


They did not say the beginning of January


End of story


Ok? http://social.bioware.com/uploads_user/1070000/1069890/96947.gif

fixed! :thumbsup:

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Maybe they contracted Valve to make the Creation Kit.


Creation Kit incoming in January, 2019.


Though, before someone takes me seriously, as others have noted they still have two weeks to produce something. Be patient.

Edited by NorthWolf
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Let's try and shed some light about what CK is (if it is the similar to all previous Construction Sets, be it called so, GECK or whatever) and what it is not.


First and foremost, the CK does not allow to change the exe or modify any hard coded function by itself. Actually it is not fit to create new contents other than the ESP itself. I mean it allow you to create an unique object from an already existent model but not to create the model itself, for example. But it allow to easily creating quests, handling PC dialogues, script something to happen in the game world and so on.


Now, to understand SKSE implementation philosophy and how it can change somethings. Like it's name suggests, SKSE is a tool to increase the engine's vanilla scripting capacity. It takes advantage of the way the engine treat it's function calls, by mean of an hex code table, each code associated with a function call. Bethesda reserves a very small part of the whole table addresses and lets free the bulk of it for external usage.


Then, SKSE intercepts the flow of the engines execution and takes upon itself the task of handling the functions itself implemented and return the control to the engine afterward to intercept the next call once again. If the function is a vanilla one it is passed directly to the engine unless SKSE for some reason decides it must implement a proper function instead the vanilla.


Although it is all about what can be scripted, SKSE actually can change the engine scope and then it actually acts like any hard coded engine's function. For extending what the engine can do (notice it is not just freeing already existent hidden or inaccessible to scripts functions) it allows to do things not possible otherwise or which would be hard to do in vanilla or inefficient or the sum of it all.


For that reason, SKSE becomes integrated and unified to the engine at run time and then it must be present whenever a mod using any of it's functions is present. That's because the vanilla engine wouldn't know what to do with the codes it does not implements any function to, so it will bypass the whole thing or just crash when trying to access things "not there".


The Bottom line is the CK in itself is a very powerful tool to create contents for the game it is meant, but it does not allow to do anything not there from start. You can create a new "unique" item from an existent template and change it's properties and many more; you can make a whole quest with it but your quest can't do anything outside the vanilla script capacity. For example, if there is no way to get a certain parameter from some object you have no way to use it to handle some kind of response. There is where SKSE comes to give a help for providing way to get that previously unavailable information (just as one example of it's power) plus the capacity to set parameters never possible before. In fewer words, allowing to do things the CK alone can't.


A final word about SKSE and how it is blamed for something wrong a mod using it can do. The point is, although SKSE can have a bug at some time, it is unlikely to happen in a stable version. That is because SKSE is not responsible and don't try to understand the mod's underlying logic. It's job is to get input parameters for the function being called and supply the expected output; this is a self contained chunk of code and then easy to test and to grant to be bug free. On the other hand it extends greatly the engine capacity and then complexity and so the chance of an ill conceived logic from a mod to make it all go into a wreck, but that is because the mod's logic failed, and it could have done it in a vanilla function even. Notice being a vanilla or SKSE function does not matter if they did their job as expected but the mod messed it's own logic.


If you spot a flaw in a mod depending on SKSE you need be careful when telling which is to blame, although the correct is not blaming anything but calmly reporting the spotted issue for certainly the author will try and correct it the fastest possible.


Ahh, me too I'm anxious to see the CK finally arising :)

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As I've said, I'm hoping the Creation Kit is something more than the previous utilities. Seems unlikely, or at least to the extent one might desire. As for SKSE, it's nice but still not going to be as viable in many circumstances as if the folks at Bethesda just outright made more of the engine available to us for modification. :unsure:
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I don't know if I got the above post meaning, what is for sure is the CK is not to create textures, least yet models. To this is used the already being used tools. On the other hand it facilitates a great deal "how to place them" in the game.


One ease example is using the new model/item as some quest reward, almost impossible or too hard to do just now.

Edited by nosisab
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