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In general I have one consistent situation in which a ctd is likely to occur. That's when


I'm making a move into or out of a town. I run ETAC, and there are


certain locales in which there are problems connected with entering and leaving. FREX,


entering and leaving Dawnstar can be VERY troublesome coming down the road. Also, Falkreath gives me some


grief both in and out of town. Also, Riverwood will often pose a problem coming from Whiterun. Others can pose


a problem, but less consistently. Whiterun seems to be VERY sensitive to modded change, particularly enhanced


population and ETAC. As a result I don't run either there.


I also run the mod which places carriages at most of the towns. It's very handy since I rarely use rapid transfer. This


mod may be adding further conflicts.


I also have been having trouble doing saves. Often after a complicated combat situation.


In general, the more heavily modded my game is, the more likely it is that totally unexpected CTDs will occur. My setup


doesn't very well handle, what, stacking? On the upside it rarely goes to slide show. It's usually running fine or crashing.

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From what I have read, as the number of saves you have increases it puts more of a load on things. You NEVER want to use the vanilla quick save since it is more buggy than an ant mound. Also you want to turn off autosave since that is not much better. I recommend http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43153/? since it limits the amount of saves that pile up, lets the user set a hotkey for it and contrary to the name, uses the hard save function. The saves are listed by character name also.

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