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Brotherhood or Railroad first?


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Ballistic weave isn't important to me. If I want it, all I need to do is open console and type in:

RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable 1

And I have it. Saving toasters to get it, isn't in my job descript. I scrap toasters for parts. lol I've completed every single ending and the Institute is the best way to go.

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Well, I am confused. What I want is the best possible outcome with peace between the factions, except the Institute and raiders. I want to do as many quests as possible and not just an either/or.


I put Paladin Danse off and have the request to return to the police station and start with the Brotherhood of Steel. I have a vague quest to start the Road to Freedom but no clue as to where to on the map.


Should I start either or both before my next main quest Hunter/Hunted in which I go somewhere called CIT? Should I take Nick Valentine?


More advice please.


Then the only option is the Minutemen. They don't want to destroy either the Railroad or the BOS unless the BOS fall out with you. If the BOS fall out you with unintentionally (they started shooting at me for no reason when I was taking a Squire back to the Prydwen) you can attack them repeatedly and stock up on Gatling Lasers and so on. In my second playthrough I used to swim across from Nordhagen to Boston Airport then swim back with a couple of Gatling Lasers till eventually every settler had one or a minigun.

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Brotherhood or Railroad? Which should be done first?


Honestly I see the game as play with the Minutemen until after Fort Hagen, play with the Brotherhood until you have to meet the Railroad and play with the Railroad until the Institute portion. Then from there you choose who you want to complete the game as. Minutemen will help building up your settlements, levels, and gear, Brotherhood will get you power armor, and the Railroad will get you ballistic weave.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh good grief here we go...


BoS totally badass you get guns lots of guns BIG guns and power armor hell yeah! Get a bunch of big dam gun mods from nexus and kick some butts in the commonwealth. There is a mod that lets you spare the railroad through dialogue with capt kells. I get through danse mission at the police station and run one op for that unibrow jerk guy then I get the mission from danse to find the missing patrol and do that taking preston along with me but I sometimes go to diamond city first before reporting back to unibrow so I don't start the patrol quest yet. Get to diamond city hear some unique dialogue between preston and other npcs send sheffield to work in sanctuary buy some guns find out where valentine is yadda yadda. Eventually I leave diamond city go build abernathy farm with preston and then go report to unibrow find the lost patrol and finish that up then drop preston off at sanctuary after reporting in to danse. What I HAVE to do it seems is finish cabot house quests BEFORE BoS shows up after killing kellogg because there is a bug for me where if I put that quest off until after they arrive I lose emogene during her quest and it bugs out. I usually pick up macreepy and do that quest then get his creepy remarks and his personal quest go to medtek collect the westek tactical optics blueprints from that mod while I'm there if I didn't get them already during lost patrol quest. Finally wear macreepy out and get his really creepy dialogue out of the way and leave him at county crossing where I end up dumping cait too since they seem to be the same kind of person they deserve each other.


What I usually do is join the railroad before going to kill kellogg and get some of their missions out of the way then score the ballistic weave so I can crank up my armor with AWKCR and armorsmith extended mods. I just go far enough to get the weave and if I haven't finished deacons liberal allegory PSA dialogue yet and got his perk I put that off til later when I come back from far harbor with marine armor and a quad barrel rocket launcher.


You can be in all these factions just use that mod that I mentioned earlier it is on nexus something about sparing railroad from BoS but after destroying the badly written institute don't go back to the castle or the railroad since they will want you to blow up the BoS. You have to find danse and convince him to live somewhere on a settlement maybe send him to far harbor since the BoS is not there depending on what you did there. I play a character that gets along with almost everyone since the real threats are super mutants ferals raiders and enemy synth patrols with all factions shooting at those npcs together the commonwealth should clear up in a few decades.


The institute is so badly written it doesn't even make sense why would these scientists be too stupid to talk to people on the surface? They really have to send synth patrols to do their work? They really have to replace people instead of just ask them gee... why does your crops grow so guuud on top of a pile of dookie? I mean seriously just so badly written. Some elementary school kids could have written a better story about them and they didn't have to kill the player spouse in the beginning either they could have taken her too and she could have been told the other character was dead so she lived out her life with the kid and died of natural causes. The whole institute story could have been much better and we didn't need to identify or have sympathy for kellogg either screw that guy and his bad writing. Someone shoots my spouse (assuming I had one lol) they are dead no matter what I would not hesitate to end them no matter what the consequences and that is just human nature anyone would think that way.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually,it does not matter.. you can waltz through most of the socalled storyline aligned to ALL the factions.. you just lie or don´t tell your allegiance when asked.. as for the various factions.. it´s about your personal preferences.. i know that Beth has taking effort to portray the BoS as Nazis.. but,again,Beth and the majority of players have no clue whatsoever about what Nazis really are.. if they did the Institute would be top runner for the title.. the Railroad are useless,so are the MM.. pansyassed SJW´s running around doing squat while talking about "the common good" or "save the Synths" bah,humbug! i suggest (unless this is your first playthrough) that you skip the main quest and just enjoy shooting Muties,Ghouls,Raiders and the occasional Settler(just for fun) your decisions don´t really matter in the end.. it´s a set-piece story and you get ONE choice.. either blow up one thing or the other.. that´s it...

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  • 2 months later...

The only faction that is "untouchable" are the minuteman ... they won't be destroyed not matter what path you choose and of course, the faction that you go with to the end; for example, if you choose the BOS, the Institute and the Railroad are going to be destroyed; if you pick the Railroad, the Institute and the BOS will be destroyed, if you pick the Institute, the Railroad and the BOS will be destroyed and if you pick the minuteman the Institute and the BOS will be destroyed.


The minuteman are the only faction that stay alive no matter what you pick. I do not like the Minuteman that much; the Railroad also do not call my attention, the BOS are just fun because they back you up in battle and we have to admit, they are powerful ... but honestly, I am thinking to "just use them" to get to the Institute and betray them because I would love to wack Rhys ... that mother*** deserve to die because he is very nasty and disrespectful. I do not consider the BOS to be bad people just because they are military people .. but they are expendable, meaning that, if you go with the Institute, they do have the technology to create an army as powerful or probably more than the BOS and at the same time, the Institute have the technology that no other faction has. From that standpoint, if you become their boss, you will have the capability to create a new world and defend it with an army of robots that are very capable in combat.


Let's talk a little about our real world today : it is all about technology and we already have robots. Soon, we will have the technology to create kind of "humanoids" capable to act and behave as close as we do. Technology, in the right hand, is powerful and something that we will not be able to avoid. It is right there already and it is developing very fast. Some day, we will not have the need to have human soldiers but robots and yes, probably to create a humanoid, a human experiment is necessary but this has been the only way to go since very long time. In order to study anatomy, you must deal with death bodies and in order to develop a medication, you must use it on rats and then on humans and sometimes, that medication secondary effects are not that good so cancer could appears on those humans.


So, back to the game, I do believe that the Institute is the way to go. Just imagine if you wake up in a world destroyed by a nuclear war ? Believe me, you will love either to be dead or be underground with all the technology at your disposal to survive. Again, back to the game, IMO, the Institute is the way to go. Regarding to get better weapons and armors with this or that faction, I do not really care; I play on PC and use console commands to get everything I want ... yes, you can call me cheater if you want to but I already paid my toll when I played this game in PS3 long ago; now, I am enjoying the benefits of playing it on a PC with all the cheat codes available so I do not have to worry about this or that or getting in this faction to get this. I am just playing my game and having fun but, I need to choose a side and I already made my decision to whom I will stick at the end.


In the meantime, I do not give a s#*! about the Minuteman or Railroad. I am sticking to the BOS for the heck of it but as I said before, I will destroy them when the time comes. Preston can watch from the distance and as far as he does not cross me, he will remain alive; everybody else are just on my sight and they are alive till I pull the trigger of my Vindicator Explosive .308 mm .... I have been very close to kill Rhys and turn against the BOS ... he just remind me Skyrim Thieves Guild that are so nasty in the way they treat you that I would love to wack them. This is something I dislike about Fallout 4 and Skyrim, the way our character is treated even though you are the big boss. I have bad memories from Skyrim so Rhys is dead already and with him, his entire team including Danse.


At the end of the day folks, I do have my own agenda and whoever is not useful to me, must disappear from my sight. My follower is Piper and if she dislike my final decision, she can walk away and will have a synth woman, my own "doll" ... yes ... not a pervert but soon folks, we will have "dolls" ( we have now so there is a website and a company developing beautiful dolls }.

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