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What video games did you play most as a kid?


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Haha old school :D


I've been playing games since the age of 2 lol. I still remember sitting in my chair playing Super Mario Bros. and getting ticked off because I fell in a pit :P My first system was the NES and I mostly played that and Zelda on it. Then I got a SNES. Played Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Donkey Kong Country mostly on that.


Then I got a Sega. We got the Sega Channel, so I pretty much got to play whatever game I wanted :D But, it was mostly all the Sonic games, Mortal Kombat, and a few Disney games (Aladdin and The Lion King).


Then I had a choice between a PS1 or a N64. I decided to go with a PS1. Metal Gear Solid, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil 1/2/3, Silent Hill, so many games on that. I got to play N64 at a friend's house. Zelda: Ocarina of Time was so cool :D


Then the PS2. Continued with the Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and Silent Hill games. Also liked the Gundam games and Devil May Cry. Poor thing died and that was the end of my console days.


That's most of them as a kid. I got a laptop shortly after the PS2 and the PC gamer in me was born. We never really had a good computer when I was a kid or we didn't have one at all (so expensive back then). So, I never got to play some of the games my boyfriend tells me he played when he was a kid.


Miss those days, games were actually worth $50. They were challenging and long lasting. Now, I'm lucky to find a game that I can't beat in less than a week. Thank you Bethesda for Morrowind, Skyrim, and Oblivion.

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I used to play a ton of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Tetris when I was five or so. Other than the original Super Mario Bros., these were the games my parents had for the NES when my father was in his residency to become a surgeon. My mother would play when he was at work so we could continue the game later. When my father completely beat SMB3 (which he did many times) and got all those P Wings, my mind was blown. Infinite flight all day erry day


We got an N64 on release date and snagged the legendary Super Mario 64. To this day, my parents, younger brother and I have all gotten 120 stars. From there, the main games I played were Smash Bros. 64, Baku Bomberman 64, Tetrisphere and Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I eventually went backwards and played other games on the console, such as LoZ: Ocarina of Time. When the Game Boy Color came out, all that was played was Pokemon Red and Blue. 151 Pokemon were caught...and then Missingno. If only I had known a bit more.


Some years later, my parents forbade me from playing video games for roughly three or four years following. I got into the Gamecube and PS2 era really late. But I started to play more than ever around here, logging as much as 500 hours into one game. Around the time Halo 3 and such came out for the Xbox 360, I was pretty hooked. I was a hardcore gamer, playing as much as 15 rounds of multiplayer every day for several months, using Forge to my heart's content. Late in high school, I thought how in retrospect I wasted so much time and limited my productivity.


Today, I don't have as much time to play video games and my interests have shifted. But video games will always be a pastime of mine.

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i didnt have a computer :'(


but i did play prince of persia at a friends, i loved that

later we got a supernintendo, so i played supermario and road runner

then i got my first computer game, grim fandango, and played that a lot, along with civilization 2

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@ BBen46 Cool, reminds me of some of the tales I've heard from guys that worked at Marconi in the '60s, Little before my time, like cooking their lunch with a RADAR emitter :)


@ MbDB1211 What is this mystical "Outside" thing of which you speak? :D


Oh: The first game I remember spending time on was Jet Set Willy 2 on the Speccy 48K

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I'm with Balagor and Bben. I was playing with things like Lincoln Logs (which I loved) and milk cartons and made up stuff. I went into my dad's work room and played with assorted pieces of wood and stuff and pretended I was a carpenter. I also played with my mom's button collection. We had no television until much later. Also went outside a lot and roller skated and got lots of fresh air. Played tag and potsy. Never heard of video games until I was a mother. Bben, that game you were describing sounds like it would still be fun today :thumbsup:
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I played outside....summer, winter and inbetween. The most fun I ever had was playing in this HUGE water and mud filled hole where someone had dug out to set in new water lines and stuff. I came home caked from head to toe, looked like I was covered in chocolate. I remember knocking tentatively on the front door and looking up at my Dad (not my mom, with relief!) He pointed to me to go out back where he hosed me down so I wouldn't get in too much trouble. Wet was one thing...covered and caked with mud another.


As much as I love video games now....that is a memory I would not trade for any video game ever.


Of course there is the time Dad almost broke the joystick playing Pong. Yes that is the game I had when I was a kid. :rolleyes:

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