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Connecting multiple workbenches to one container


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There maybe something usable in the mechanics of the caravan system. I could never tell if they were linked but then again I never wrote down exact numbers. Maybe if each inventory had 5000 of a test item I could say I have 10000 of said item so I know 2 settlements' inventories have been linked.

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In all the posts I had found before this they had said to just link every workbench in the game to the container in diamond city, so you could remove the provisioner system entirely. Well, it doesn't seem to work that way, and I like the provisioner system. I just hate the giant stupid brahmin stuck in my office, stuck in my bathroom, standing on my bed, standing on roofs in every settlement I go to. For my own personal game I remove the navmeshing form settlement roofs and remove all brahmin recruiting entirely.


There are some nice mods to replace the pack brahmin with dogs or robots that have small enough collision to actually get out of rooms and things, which sort of eliminates my biggest complaints.


Back on track though, yes, it seems to have to be chained, I can't link them all to 1 workbench, which is frustrating, but I can force ownership in a certain order to make it work out this time.


Note: Linking 2 workshops via workshopitemkeyword seems to result in unusual behavior of settlers and companions. Settlers of 1 workbench deciding to sandbox at the other workbench, companions going to idle at the other workbench area while you are building, settlers farming crops belonging to the other settlement, etc.

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Maybe something for you to consider: Transportation droids


Also I just checked and using the 5000 quantity test object, so yes it does stack the workshop inventories using provisioners. However, I only used the Crater of Atom to send a provisioner to Sanctuary. I'll let you know the results of sending more provisioners to Sanctuary as well as using the bench on the other end (ie Crater of Atom, etc.).



So if I understand your note, if you link Sanctuary's workbench to Red Rocket's workbench and/or visa versa, they use each others' sandbox as well as inventory? But chaining them, say in a big circle or something similar would get them all to share one inventory?

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mm tats weird tarsis my self made settlers at gorski never go inside and or outside while the 2 wb's are linked, maybe duing the fact tat both use the same location


yes geno if you link all wb's in a chain and activate them all( but if 1 is not activated the chain will break), they all use/share the same resourses, just like you use provisiors

Edited by speedynl
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Yep, I was wondering about if they were linked both ways would the workshops work alright. Say that three times fast. Basically, link Red Rocket as a container to Sanctuary and Sanctuary as a container to Red Rocket and do the same for all of them.

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Okay, I'll revive this post just in case anyone is wondering.

I connected my croup manor basement workshop with the general croup manor workshop.

I went to the croup manor workbench and linked it directly to the basement workbench with the "linked container" keyword. The basement workbench then links to the croup manor container.

That's it.


Edit: That means it works :D

Edited by Zorkaz
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