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What's with Exnem's body?


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I totally dated a girl who look like that once, but then she fell apart when I reset the computer :wallbash:


I like Exnem's because I think it's the best looking out there and I have all the best clothing mods I could find for it, plus insanely high res textures :cool:


I also like a girl with a tail and Exnem's body works great with the Tabaxi race.

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No problem. I only work in FF because I prefer it, but I don't see why everyone shouldn't have what they want in their own game. (Unless they make crappy NifSkope cutpastes of my meshes. That is punishable by death.)


I'd be using several body mods at once if it was possible - Exnem with the smaller upperbody I made, FF, GGBlind, BAB, and probably Robert's female when he comes out with the muscular version. Then I would also be able to use all three of Robert's male variations, the slim, average and muscular, plus maybe his "beer belly" version for the bigger fellas who run shops and so on.


Sigh. In an ideal world. ;)

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Ever since I first made a character in Oblivion, a male, I have been searching for better body replacers. This also carries over to the females.


In my humble opinion Roberts' male body replacer is without equal. I can't imagine using anything else.


However for females I'm always looking and experimenting with what I like best out of what is available. At first it was Eshme's which at the time was fine but just wasn't my taste. Then came Growlf's body which again wasn't to my liking but had a large quanitity of armor and clothing which sold me on giving it a shot. Then came EC which I've been a fan of in most respects. Most of the outfit options available are topnotch and have kept me hooked.


Is the body unrealistic? Well that body type certainly isn't the norm in the real world but I wouldn't necassarily call it a "barbie". But then again that's just me. I have my gripes with it, the breasts to me are too large (again just my opinion/personal taste) and the shoulders bother me as well. However as someone has already pointed out, the body looks nice as a whole.


I've tried the UFF body and while many parts of it appeal to me, there are some areas that I would just rather continue using exnems for. The "rear" looks odd to me and again the shoulders are an area where things seem off. And while I find that a great deal of the clothing and armors made for the body are spectacular there just isn't the variety I get with Exnems'.


Roberts' female body is another interesting choice but the mid section seems too wide or something to me. It almost looks a little too masculine to me. I don't really know how to describe it but until further tweaking of the mesh is done, I won't be using it.


So for the time being I use Exnems' EC body. I've even downloaded some alternate meshes for it to give it a less "unrealistic" shape. In the end I don't find myself running around naked too often with my female characters but during my more scantily clad moments I think that EC is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than the other choices. Does that mean I think that EC is the only way to fly? Heaven's No. I would certainly use UFF instead were it not for the lower regions of the body looking so odd to me. If a person were to ask me I would say that I don't think anyone has really gotten it right yet.


Currently my biggest gripe about EC is the number of less than tasteful screenies are being posted featuring it. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against nudity in games, or even sex for that matter. But it just seems to me that most of the more sexually oriented pics being posted lately are less than stellar. Most seem to just contain nudity and enuendo for the sake of having both and nothing more. Yes "we're all pervs" on some level or another but I'm just getting a little bothered by the tastless stuff that is overtaking the screenshot section. Ok I better stop ranting. I'm sure I've already made myself seem like one of those "holier than thou" types that I hate so much. My apologies if I've offended anyone.


In summation: I like EC well enough but isn't the end all, be all of body replacers




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haha i dont use anything, but the only reason why is cause there are a lot of pervs out there haha. A lot of people deny it too


pervs? they way I see it is, if I have control over how a woman looks in game I would want her to be the most attractive woman possible, and that's Exnem's IMHO. If that makes me perverted then so be it. I think if any man had the choice of hanging out at the beach with thin attractive women or Rosie O'Donnell (no offense, but she is large) look alikes I think I'd know what MOST guys would choose. I don't think that makes us perverts.


Ideally what I would like to see in game is several different bodies, some larger some thin, to give more of a varied/realistic look. But, until someone makes this possible I am going with Exnem's.

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Sickleyeild and Fatheadhill have good points. I'd like to have the ability to use multiple body meshes in one game also. Hmmm...... Wonder if it can be done. Somebody should work on it. The most customizability I've seen is in the UFF better lower body mod by the_Philanthropy. Each race can be completely different as far as the textures go. From lots to little, brown and black. Check it out and see what I mean.
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Can't understand the rush some people get from computer generated bodies, so I go with the vanilla ones. I'm there to play the game, kick ass, leave chaos and disorder in my wake.
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I completely agree on how nice it would be to have multiple body types in the game. I can't remember for sure but a looong time ago I recall hearing about one of the body mod groups trying to do just that. I imagine that it's just another one of those extremely difficult/ nigh impossible tasks to complete. Still it is quite the nice little dream...


As for moszibbys' comment, well I'm not so sure that it's a "rush" that we get from using these mods rather than it being a way to even further enhance the aesthetic appeal of the game. In my opinion it's no different than using mods like Qarl's Texture packs or any of the weather mods. The vanilla game looked good for it's time but quite honestly the default bodies were lacking in so many ways and the aforementioned replacers are just attempts to remedy those flaws.


In a sad way Vanilla Oblivion has been ruined for me. I cannot play the game without OOO, Qarl's Textures, Body Replacers, Deadly Reflex, and a whole host of various other gameplay tweaks and mods. To some the default bodies and textures are perfectly fine and that's o.k. But for those like myself, the "enhanced and augmented" experience is the only Oblivion we can enjoy.



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