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Performance and FPS Rate - One Solution I Found ...


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I have a computer that is just barely capable to playing Skyrim and suffered from lag, and the occasional CTD, while using the program. I also have another game that was below the minimum graphics standards set for it, namely Silent Hunter V. With that game, I was getting framerates of about 3-4 fps, which made THAT game unplayable, on my system.


Then, I discovered a neat little program that fixed both games.


It is called antilag.cfg, and is about 8kb in size. It is NOT a mod. When I downloaded it, and used it with SHV, my framerate increased dramatically. Note that because my computer graphics card is substandard for that game, it is still slow. But it went from 3-4 fps to about 10fps, making the game playable.


When I used it on Skyrim, the game became so fast that I had to INCREASE resolution and other settings, so that the game appeared to work at "normal" speed. The human eye is capable of resolving about 19fps, maximum ... just for information. It is literally the first time that this game works as advertised, for me, and it has revolutionized my style of gameplay.


It can be found at: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/downloads.php?do=file&id=2871 .


To download, at that site, you have to register, but it costs nothing, and there's no cost for the program.


After you download it, put it in the same area as your executables, and NOT your mod files. Open it up, and set it to your taste and needs. My personal settings are: RenderAheadLimit- 2, and FPSLimit- 35.


Note that this program will not change any other file in your game. If you don't like it, or believe that it doesn't work for you, just delete it ... no harm, no foul.


Hopefully, this will help anyone who has the same problems as me. :geek:

Edited by Tragthemercenary
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I thought that "sketchy" was what you meant. But shady?


First, I am not the author of the file I linked to. I have nothing to gain if other people download it.


Second ... and most important ... if other people download the file and try it out, and it increases their framerate and performance while playing Skyrim, how is that shady? Once again, it is not a mod. But it has been proven to work for thousands of people who play the game Silent Hunter V. I tried it out on Skyrim, and it worked perfectly.


How is this shady (illegal or unethical)?

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I thought that "sketchy" was what you meant. But shady?


First, I am not the author of the file I linked to. I have nothing to gain if other people download it.


Second ... and most important ... if other people download the file and try it out, and it increases their framerate and performance while playing Skyrim, how is that shady? Once again, it is not a mod. But it has been proven to work for thousands of people who play the game Silent Hunter V. I tried it out on Skyrim, and it worked perfectly.


How is this shady (illegal or unethical)?


Its shady because your suggesting people download a random file and register on a site. You also give no reason as to how or why.


10 fps is NOT playable btw.


Reduce your mods and or game settings or improve your hardware to get better performance. Do not listen to this guy.

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I thought that "sketchy" was what you meant. But shady?


First, I am not the author of the file I linked to. I have nothing to gain if other people download it.


Second ... and most important ... if other people download the file and try it out, and it increases their framerate and performance while playing Skyrim, how is that shady? Once again, it is not a mod. But it has been proven to work for thousands of people who play the game Silent Hunter V. I tried it out on Skyrim, and it worked perfectly.


How is this shady (illegal or unethical)?


Its shady because your suggesting people download a random file and register on a site. You also give no reason as to how or why.


10 fps is NOT playable btw.


Reduce your mods and or game settings or improve your hardware to get better performance. Do not listen to this guy.



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Make backups of both your Skrim.ini and Skrimprefs.ini ...

Edit both files so that any line with the word "shadow" in it is set to 0 or 0.0 depending if it has a "." ...

Unless the word also has the word "map" in it then set it to "512"

Then set this one to "fSunShadowUpdateTime=0.5"


This will remove shadows from the game and has a major effect on fps.

Edited by NexusComa
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