MaxiEX Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Could anybody create a mod that lets you transform into a dragon and not just once a day, as a kinda fun mod. And if you have a follower they should be able to climb on your back or head like Odhaviing. pls?? :blush: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Linky1 Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Could anybody create a mod that lets you transform into a dragon and not just once a day, as a kinda fun mod. And if you have a follower they should be able to climb on your back or head like Odhaviing. pls?? :blush: Hey there!I don't have much experience with modding, unless I use the Creation kit or Construction set. None are out for Skyrim yet.But I do have a mod I downloaded (I didn't make it) which lets you become anything you want, if I can remember the link I will post below.In the mod not all races can attack, including dragon and the dragons cannot fly :(This is being worked on and so far the dragon can walk and 'shout' .Just tell me and I will post link. Good luck! Linky1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2710878User Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 In my opinion people don't need to keep requesting these...I've read like 24 topics basically containing the underlined sentence: "PLEASE DRAGON TRANSFORMATION, THANKS!"I get that you want this, I really do, but it's getting pretty annoying now... why can't people stick to one topic about the subject.. it would be better than having 100s of topics all about the same damn thing.You're not the only one that wants this, 100s of others do too and this mod WILL get made eventually, now please wait until the CK arrives so that others can make a quality mod for this okay? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1308005User Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 There is already man working on this.Search nexus for "weredragon"He can't finish job until CK is out, but he's working on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galacticat42 Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 Indeed, not only is there a mod already out for this(weredragon), but The Dragonborn Legacy aims to make an entire scenario around being able to transform into a dragon and incorporate it into the main storyline. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gulogulo Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 Hi, I am the author of Dragorian and Dranaugh Races Reworked ( for Oblivion. This is a modified version of Dragorian and Dranaugh Races ( by BlackStorm945 which in turn is based on resources from Anthro-Dragon ( by DrakeTheDragon SHORT DESCRIPTION OF MY MOD: The aim of the mod was to provide the player with three reptilian races. Their abilities are more biological and less magical. They are not dragons but they resemble them. There is no fire breath ability as obviously of magical nature. I implemented new Camouflage ability that damages your fatigue. If you have any cloths or weapons (except for you claws) equipped or its raining the ability will be weakened or disabled. As you reach new levels the ability is getting stronger. The chameleon effect is activated/deactivated gradually. All races have claws (not fists) that can be equiped by pressing button. Some claws are poisonous . Every time you equip them or strike with them they are being poisoned again. Poison is slow but last for very long. As you reach new levels the poison is getting stronger and eventually it will paralyse victims after some time. I have implemented the Adrenaline rush ability that temporarily boosts your stats while damaging your fatigue. As you reach new levels the ability is getting stronger. I also added slumber ability, which regenerates your health and in case of some races cures poisons and diseases after some time. Some races have night vision. You can activate/deactivate night vision manually (via button). You can activate/deactivate night vision automatic mode. Night vision automatic mode automatically activates/deactivates night vision depending on the amount of light on player. All three races have smell. Active smell means you probe the air when hitting button. You can activate/deactivate passive (automatic) smell. Passive smell probes air every 5 seconds. Smell depends on direction and strength of wind if there is one. You can learn the smell of individual NPCs. Secondly I made quite realistic flight system. The flight has collision detection. Flying is a serious business. It damages your fatigue. The faster you fly (different animations and sound) the more quickly you get tired. You must be carefull when landing. If you land with high speed you crash and get damaged. Landing in water is for obvious reasons less risky. In order to start flying you must be running or falling.You can start flying while in water but it is more costly. While running forward in adrenaline rush you gain temporary water walking ability. While flying you always move forward. No strafing or flying backwards or hovering above ground. You can ram target while flying knocking it down and inflicting damage. You can grab target in the air and drop it to its death, but it is costly in terms of fatigue. You can also glide. While gliding you donot loose fatigue but you slowly loose altitude. Gliding is slower than flying. You can start falling while high in air. You can fall till you touch ground (usually fatal experience).When flying/gliding/falling if you press right button you start rotate to right, if you press left button you start rotate to left Usefull when trying to stay in one area and watching it via free camera (while pressing 1st/3rd person button). When wind is blowing it affects the direction and speed of your movement when flying/gliding/falling depending on the strenght and direction of wind. I also added a lock on target ability which forces you to turn in the direction of current target. The ability is added even if you play vanilla race. There is also ability called sharp vision - if you press and hold activate (use) control and you aim at nothing with your crosshair or nothing is in range of your crosshair you start zooming in if you press and hold the control again you start zooming out. Works only in 1st person view. If you press 1st/3rd person control or aim at something with your crosshair and it is in range to activate it and you press the activate (use) control you reset your view to normal. Check my videos to see what I mean. WHAT DO I HAVE ON MY MIND: I want to implement something similar to the above in Skyrim and to show you it is sophisticated. I have some experience in scripting (especially when it comes to flight), but I have no idea about animations, meshes and textures. I would like to cooperate with someone who knows something about it and has enough time to do it. If you are such person please contact me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuneKatashima Posted January 6, 2012 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Of course opening the console (by default: the ~ key) and typing player.setrace dragon accomplishes the same task. Type in tcl to fly (<- lol) it turns collision off so you can, but that includes trees and well, the ground too. Don't worry, you won't fall through it, just point yourself in a direction. Type tcl in again to enable collision. You will fall when it it enabled though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeschBesch Posted January 6, 2012 Share Posted January 6, 2012 hey, nice to hear about that mod. Its always a matter of time that mods like this are to be released. Soon, someone will release a "dragon mount"-mod too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jdsnics Posted January 15, 2012 Share Posted January 15, 2012 Could anybody create a mod that lets you transform into a dragon and not just once a day, as a kinda fun mod. And if you have a follower they should be able to climb on your back or head like Odhaviing. pls?? :blush: That's great and all and probably fairly simple to accomplish in a cheesy kinda way - but why not do what neverwinter nights did? IE: Sorcerors or Bards become Red Dragon Disciples - eventually sprouting horns, wings, and dragon skin if I recall. Look it up if you're not familiar with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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