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I can't play skyrim anymore.


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a question for all those here defending or claiming the game is flawless...why are you here? a site mainly devoted to modifying what you believe is perfect as it is. you don't download and install mods do you? that would be at odds with your statements the game is fine as is...


just hang out to watch for any posts where people have issues with the game? can't be for the mods...game is perfect according to you, flawless...can't improve upon perfection.


This is clearly an attempt at baiting and not a subtle one but I'll play along.


Following your logic why do people who feel entitled to post that Skyrim sucks and keep showering praise on Oblivion are still posting in the Skyrim section of the forum? See what I'm hinting at?


FYI mods aren't simply just about fixing bugs or improving on the game to make it flawless (if that's even possible). Most mods are about making the game look or play differently. Mods are meant to make a game more personal, open up new possibilities or bring new features into a game.


I think some of them want to voice their displeasure in the hope that something will be done either to change skyrim or to influence Bethesda's designs on the next TES game. It's called feedback and it serves a purpose.


I could easily parallel your argument in reality and ask why do people feel entitled to complain about their government when other ones exist in a different part of the world? The idea is to influence the course of change. The better question here is always why do people feel entitled to stifle the voices of dissent?


The problem is that nobody is denying me the right to express my support for my government if I choose to in real life.


DeadSpace meant that people who don't complain about Skyrim have nothing to do on a modding forum. If you look at the exact phrasing it can be construed as meaning that anyone who actually "defends" Skyrim has no valid reason to be here.


So according to DeadSpace anyone who is enjoying Skyrim shouldn't be posting in this forum.


I'm sure you can tell the difference between his statement and your example. I though it was obvious that I've posted about people praising Oblivion over Skyrim in the Skyrim forum to give DeadSpace a taste of his own medicine.


I personally enjoy browsing the Oblivion forum and there is a thread there called "ignoring Skyrim" that I really like because it gives me insights into what other players like or dislike about these games.


There is nothing wrong with preferring an older game.


I really don't like DA2 but I loved DAO so I'm still playing it from time to time and I won't touch DA2 and that's pretty much it. I don't feel the urge to go out of my way to make it known to players who actually enjoy DA2 and I certainly won't tell them that they shouldn't be using mods for DA2 because they think that DA2 is better than DAO and that a "perfect" or "flawless" game shouldn't be modded. :happy:

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I havent played it for like 3 weeks now. I dont see the game itself that interesting, but as a basic starting point for a RPG the game environment and all is great. We just need to get a massive mod done to rewrite the quests to flesh them all out.

I feel the same way. Pretty much sitting here on my hands waiting for the CK to come out.


Me too. The problem is, you can only try to *fix* the quests but you can't *rewrite* them because dialogs will prevent that. Voiced dialogs are the reason modern games won't ever reach the level of complexity of dialogs and quests in, say, Morrowind, Baldur's Gate, or Ultima... I'm also waiting for the CK to come out and hoping for a complete overhaul of the game (in its current state I just can't bring myself to like it).

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The problems with skyrim are nothing people will remeber when the CS comes out. It was the same with oblivion untill OOO, MMM and supreme magika, install those 3 play oblivion for a week, the start again without them and its bland boring and not really very good, why? you played a different game, yeah the engine and the rest may be the same but the basics of the game aint.


Skyrim is a good fun game, yeah its flawed but every game is flawed, you cant please everyone, when the CS is out and the flood of mods start commin then it will be a much better experience for those who *censored* and moan. My self i like it, i dont hate anythign about it, i can even understand why bethesda have done what they have done with the skills/journal/compass and the rest of the blah blah blah that folks moan about. They have to keep it fresh and try and get more people interested, yeah it has aspects like failou....fallout 3 but they are things people liked, personally hated fallout 3 was a dire game and a shitty wanna be fallout title.


Cinamatic deaths are annoying as hell against a bandit but against a vampire thats killed you twice seing it is slightly satisfying.

The new skills system its far to easy to level up and the perks thing is weird but the perks actually work well and leveling a skill has meaning rather than a text box and barley anything different.

The short main story.......really play morrowind's main story and you can do it without leveling so thats not an issue really.



I can pro and con every aspect people moan about but does it matter? no. me pointing it out make me a troll? no (im no forum trawler so these terms are confusing). Enjoy the game for what it is, everyone else is.


bah my mind hurts

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They have to keep it fresh and try and get more people interested.



Keep it fresh or easy, in order to draw the SMS crowd?


btw, abundant swearing doesn't make your post any easier to read.



Abundant swearing?


its some what easier than other tes titles but its still good and im not sure what the SMS crowd is.

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You hit the nail on the head %100. After being burned by the massive pile of hand holding and zero challenge Oblivion and Fallout 3 provided, I swore I wouldn't start playing Skyrim until the community had developed a list of mods I knew from experience would make the game playable for me.


Vanilla Skyrim seems even more dumbed down than Oblivion and Fallout 3, so once I start playing it with the list of mods I need [28 mods already done, just 2 more I'm waiting on and I'm good to go]-, it'll be a blast and a challenge for me then.


I'd recommend shelving it and doing the same. I find the modding community to be far more talented than Bethsoft when it comes to adding challenge and roleplay to Beth's games.

Edited by Oomo
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I agree with the OP


is like Skyrim gets old fast, I have made 7 different characters with different play styles and races, but I always get tired of it mid game, and If I had to blame it on something it would be the Dragon battles, is no longer OH f*** A DRAGON, is more like meh another f***ing dragon...


1. Kill

2. Take Soul

3. ?????

4. Profit



I am waiting on 3 mods


First is Stronger Werewolves, with Health regeneration, etc

Because being a werewolf at high levels is plain stupid and lame.


+++++ Regeneration

++ Speed

++ Jumping

+++++ Duration of transformation.



Next would be Stronger Dragons without making them so damn spam able, I want less Dragons, however I want them stronger


Also get rid of the whole Dragon Soul system, you found a shout grats!!! is already unlocked now outrun that dragon bastard that wants to eat you (and is not exactly the damage dragons do, but more like their AI that makes them all fight in the same and lame way).


Less point A, point B quests, the Thief Guild Quest line is a little unique

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a question for all those here defending or claiming the game is flawless...why are you here? a site mainly devoted to modifying what you believe is perfect as it is. you don't download and install mods do you? that would be at odds with your statements the game is fine as is...


just hang out to watch for any posts where people have issues with the game? can't be for the mods...game is perfect according to you, flawless...can't improve upon perfection.


This is clearly an attempt at baiting and not a subtle one but I'll play along.


Following your logic why do people who feel entitled to post that Skyrim sucks and keep showering praise on Oblivion are still posting in the Skyrim section of the forum? See what I'm hinting at? doesn't apply to what i said


FYI mods aren't simply just about fixing bugs or improving on the game to make it flawless (if that's even possible). Most mods are about making the game look or play differently. Mods are meant to make a game more personal, open up new possibilities or bring new features into a game.


bait? not hardly, and the accusation is indicative of the mindset that whomever doesn't agree with you or your views must be a troll, wrong, delusional, or making mountains out of molehills, seen that and similar slights in other threads as well as this one 'perceived faults' contained in this topic as if people are just imagining things. and btw, you never answered. it is a legitimate question, something to satisfy my curiosity. if the game is perfect...why hang out and post in a modding forums site? that seems more troll behavior than anything i've said. you're not going to mod something that's already perfect...bethesda forums would be the more logical hangout...yet you're here along with others that claim skyrim is perfect...why?


if i thought this game or any other was fine the way it is...i wouldn't bother with modding sites at all. Deus ex: hr, never even bothered to search for mods, don't know if there are any, and wouldn't care if there were. definitely wouldn't go to whatever forum may exist for those mods and post saying the game is fine the way it is. there's mods for da2 here, i dislike the game, don't think mods could even save it, so also...i don't bother even going there. skyrim has huge flaws, but has a decent basic starting point for mods that will fix and improve the game...so i'm here.


get the logic?




The problem is that nobody is denying me the right to express my support for my government if I choose to in real life.


DeadSpace meant that people who don't complain about Skyrim have nothing to do on a modding forum. If you look at the exact phrasing it can be construed as meaning that anyone who actually "defends" Skyrim has no valid reason to be here.


So according to DeadSpace anyone who is enjoying Skyrim shouldn't be posting in this forum.


I'm sure you can tell the difference between his statement and your example. I though it was obvious that I've posted about people praising Oblivion over Skyrim in the Skyrim forum to give DeadSpace a taste of his own medicine.


I personally enjoy browsing the Oblivion forum and there is a thread there called "ignoring Skyrim" that I really like because it gives me insights into what other players like or dislike about these games.


There is nothing wrong with preferring an older game.


I really don't like DA2 but I loved DAO so I'm still playing it from time to time and I won't touch DA2 and that's pretty much it. I don't feel the urge to go out of my way to make it known to players who actually enjoy DA2 and I certainly won't tell them that they shouldn't be using mods for DA2 because they think that DA2 is better than DAO and that a "perfect" or "flawless" game shouldn't be modded. :happy:


i didn't say 'enjoying' for one, i was specific...construed? once again, i was specific and quite clear, trying to dig for hidden meaning is silly. and 2, taste of my own medicine? what exactly would that be? could care less about oblivion, post to your hearts content...i asked a question. didn't demand any one leave or stop posting their opinions.


i'll reiterate: if the game is flawless and perfect as many of it's defenders believe...why are you on a site that mods that perfect game making it something else...no longer perfect? there is a truism...you cannot improve upon perfection. it either is...or it is not. you can't be here for the mods...that's logic based on the claims that skyrim is just fine as is ergo, you don't need mods...so, why? just to jump on topics or comments as i said above that poke at skyrims flaws?

Edited by DeadSpace
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I agree completely with the alduin quest, the first time i got to sovngrade i was like "LMAO, this is gonna a tough battle!" But ahhh i killed it easy and it was like other dragons, didn't had any special attacks and died fast (even tough i played on master). Edited by DieForHonor118
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Sorry, but i dont understand a word of the OP, the whole Post is one giant Word, wheres the spaces.


I can read it just fine. This is normal writing. Sentences make up paragraphs, seperated by line breaks.

One sentence per line is chat speak. Look at a book. One without pictures, authors like Mark Twain, J.R.R Tolkien, Agatha Christie.

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