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Take a look Bethesda


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The fact the World of Warcraft is an MMO is the very reason for those continual updates; you can't say it doesn't matter. WoW is still in ongoing development, there are teams of designers constantly working on the game. That is not, and frankly, should not, be the case for games like Skyrim, other than to fix bugs. All of these games have a development cycle and at some point these teams need to move on to something else, The Next Big Thing, Elder Scrolls VI, Witcher 4, and so on. The WoW developers can't move on, and don't move on, because that is the very nature of an MMO that is in current development. At some point, they will move most resources to the next expansion, but that is still part of the main game.


Now, aside from all that, I DO agree that developers should be keeping an eye on the modding community to see what the creative people come up with. The default Skyrim UI is abominable, atrocious, horrendous, and any number of other adjectives. The fact that SkyUI has a whopping 13.9 million endorsements, nearly two times the next highest (A Quality World Map) at 7.5, should tell them something. There is a lesson there, and they should take that to heart when designing their next game. I'm not saying they should copy SkyUI, but look at its features and understand why it was/is so popular, practically a necessity.


Frankly, devs are going to do what they want to do. For three games now, people have been asking the devs of the Dragon Age franchise for some sort of face code system. With their latest game, they even recognized players' desire for it, and wanted to add it in a patch, but the character creator was built in such a way that adding it at that point would have ended up breaking things. My question is why they didn't build that feature in from the beginning, knowing it was a feature players would want? I don't know if it was just lack of resources, a lack of foresight, or what.


Despite the fact that many of them are players themselves, there are instances of developers just not being aware of the realities of actually playing a game, how their players think, what these players actually do once they're in the game. It happens with MMOs and SP games alike.

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If Bethesda actually took the mods that are here then (one would hope this happened) most all of the mod compatibility issues would be eliminated (again, one would hope), graphics and immersion would be better and over-all experience would be better IMHO. Like I said, I play with a lot of the mods that don't change the base game play (no fast xp, God toons etc )and (Again, huge thanks to you modders) it would be soooo much easier to not have to deal with mod updates and the like every day. Now, I know as a gamer no game will ever suit any one player (Hence the need for modders) but it would help the modders see where the game is at and mod for fresher ideas. Call it game evolution. It would open so many more doors for the whole Skyrim series.

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The one thing great about mmo are the constant updates much of witch fix's bugs. Hard to compare a single player game vs an mmo at witch some point the single player game gets abandon by the company. Only thing I think that should have been considered by Bethesda would have been the unofficial patches. I agree the UI is horrible but I also think skyui isn't all that great ether sure it's an improvement. Problem of picking the top 20 mods just because they are popular to force upon others just because you might think they are great it doesn't reflect everyone’s opinion. Now say if Beth did this you still have people modding the same aspects why because not everyone is fully happy at the end results. Actually if you look back in history Bethesda has done as you said Oblivion mods have made it's way into Skyrim. I'm afraid you will have to wait until the next game in the series comes to see if Bethesda took anything into consideration.

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If there is one thing Bethesda proved this year is that they are too proud to accept constructive criticism... Take a look at F4 for example... had they learn from NV little improvements over Fallout 3, F4 would be so much better... instead they made a point in ignoring its existence. True, they incorporated many mod ideas but in the end they still force you with their own take of things that are often intrusive and unpolished. Not to mention weak DLC's, Seasson Passes and their convinient Review Policy...

Hurts me to say but lets just hope the fall had being big enough for them to learn from it... F4 was a sale sucess because of the hype. The next wont be so luck...

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If lets say I was them, I would fix mostly problems that bug modders (and mod users).


Like being able to tune color and distance fog at will, changing LoD as we see fit. Fixing brawl bug in game (and ton of other bugs, we have unofficial patch for a reason right?). Simply fix game to "near perfect state".


Apart that, not doing flops like stretched 2K textures that ship with SSE (yea no real 4K there).


Ah and hire someone who can make proper hero creation screen (PC friendly), proper inventory (PC again), and most important, someone who can make great animations (see Witcher, even damn Witcher 1!) and I dont think anyone will disagree, make people actually LOOK LIKE PEOPLE!

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Probably more less a money grab on Bethesda not much effort was needed to convert Skyrim onto the newer engine not everyone got it free. Kind of reminds me of the Oblivion horse armor dlc not much effort but one heck of a money grab. Obviously they know about most of the bugs existing in the base game ever notice the esm were not even cleaned, not much effort. It's interesting seeing Zenimax actually listening to the community vs Bethesda more less doing their own thing regardless of the outcome.

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Updating it to 64bit was a generous gift to the community, I bought my copy instead of claiming the free one just as a thanks lol, ive yet to play it tho, since theres no MO or new NMM with MO features yet, or skse etc etc. I agree with LazyAltmers statements above, including many of the existing mods would break the game for modders, which are the lifeblood of Skyrim, so that's a no go. That said, including the main bug-fix mods (such that many mods already require as dependency) USLEEP, etc, seems prudent... they'd already be supported, break nothing, please everyone, reduce support requests...




PS. The fact they released a full priced version of Skyrim64 shows they'd love to support the game longer into the future (Cash Money), so stop with the silly hemming and hawing about potential abandonment, they'd be nuts to abandon one of the most successful games in history. lol There could be DLC, fixes, and more. :D

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