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Certain followers will no longer follow me


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I'm having a problem hopefully somebody can help with please. Whenever i try to get certain voice type followers to follow (like young and eager) the option is there, but when i select it, they don't say anything, the screen exits and they dont follow.


This all started after i downloaded the Bijin Wives and Bijin Npcs. I even reinstalled the game without the mod and the follower system still doesnt work.


If it helps, i do have Dynamic Follower Dialogue installed, please help me. :(

Edited by lefttounge
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I also got that problem with some followers. I use AmazingFollowerTeaks and sometimes when i dismiss them but tell them to hang around in the place, later i go to them again but they don't give me dialog options, they just say "what do you need" and walk away. I can't even get the items i gave them back.

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Are you using any follower overhauls like AFT or EFF?


Also try going into the console and typing setplayerfollowercount 0



I also got that problem with some followers. I use AmazingFollowerTeaks and sometimes when i dismiss them but tell them to hang around in the place, later i go to them again but they don't give me dialog options, they just say "what do you need" and walk away. I can't even get the items i gave them back.

In the console, click on the follower that isn't responding and type:


removefromfaction 5c84e

removefromfaction 5c84c

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It's crazy, i had Dynamic follower dialogue, but when i downloaded Relationship Dialogue overhaul, and EFF. It all of a sudden like ridiculous magic decided to start working again! :\

I'm guessing that it was possibly dynamic follower dialogue, but i guess thank God it all works now.


Im not gunna fight it, i guess that's all that matters, but for Ezarr, try doing that, and see if it works, lose that AFT crap and stay away from UFO mess. Hopefully you get it working again.

Edited by lefttounge
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