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980 to 980Ti or 1080?

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Nearly all games we play are DX9-based, and I'm wondering if any performance or features would be lost by upgrading our 980 to a 1080 and not a 980Ti. The price premium on the latter is pretty ridiculous currently, hundreds of dollars in some cases, but if a 1080 means compatibility problems and sucky performance with older DX9 games a 980Ti would be the more logical choice for an incremental upgrade.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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The gtx 1080 has more vram then the gtx980ti, some games require it to. 8gb vs 4gb.


more vram you have the more textures you can run, especially with the SE. Which is a bargain if you ask me. Also the performance wold be overkill for regular dx9 games like Skyrim 32bit.

Edited by niphilim222
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Is this even a question - it should not be. Or, at least, you're asking the wrong questions.


1. Why even bother upgrading a 980? Which specific DX9 game is it insufficient in?


2. If you have an answer to (1) and it's not a CPU-dependent thing, in which a new GPU won't help you, it's very likely that a 980Ti won't be sufficient either. While VRAM above 4GB is inaccessible to most DX9 games, the added GPU power is.

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A 1080 has no compatibility issues with DX9 and I would also say that there's no need to switch, if you don't plan on playing at something over 1080p and mostly on "older" games (just assumed, cause most newer titles run at dx11).

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If you're only playing older DX9 titles there's little reason to upgrade, especially if they're older Bethesda titles, those games are CPU bound anyway and don't use the CPU fully. There's a limit to how much you can get out of the older titles, my New Vegas has the same frame rate at 4K as it does at 1080p, this is with a 4Ghz 6700k and 980ti.


The gtx 1080 has more vram then the gtx980ti, some games require it to. 8gb vs 4gb.


more vram you have the more textures you can run, especially with the SE. Which is a bargain if you ask me. Also the performance wold be overkill for regular dx9 games like Skyrim 32bit.


The 980ti is 6GB not 4Gb.

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So is the gtx1060, i should of done some research before that post.. Still a 1060 is a 6gb, for the price its a remarkable card, no sli though.


the boost clocks are alot higher then the ti



Edited by niphilim222
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Just checked, and the 980ti is actually more expensive that most 1080s in Canada.

So 1080. (I upgraded from the 980ti to the 1080 when I built this new rig a couple months ago. and the performance is much better in a lot of ways)

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It depends on resolution. The 980ti has a higher bandwith connection than the gtx 1080 and has a "bigger" chip (full sized maxwell vs cut pascal). So in games at 1080p the gtx 1080 should heavily outperform a 980ti. But with the rising resolution the gap is getting closer. However, in the end the 1080 is still faster than the 980ti (should be around 25%).

Edited by L3s7ing
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Thanks all for the replies. L3s7ing, you nailed both of our reasons for upgrading. Our 980 is no slouch for DX9 games but it starts panting hard at max settings and with high-res textures etc. HWMonitor claims our cpu maxes out at 58C in Oblivion, while the 980 continues marching onward and upward until it hits our fan profile (65C) and starts sounding like a vacuum cleaner. Quiet gaming is our first priority, we're wondering if a 980Ti or 1080 can handle the same or maybe even more eye candy without the noise. We need a second card for a second system anyway, so it's no big deal if the new card isn't any cooler or quieter than the 980.


As for DX9, I keep reading that Win10 dropped support for DX9 games. Is this correct or not?

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Sure, let's say you cap at 60fps and compare a 980 with a 1080, the 1080 will be running quieter due to the less load.

However, when wanting a quiet card I would say most important is the cooling solution. Watercooling would be the quietest one, but a good manufacturer like msi, evga, or asus with their none reference designs are already pretty quite.


Regarding dx9, the only problem I know is the 4gb vram limit for dx9 games under windows 10.

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