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980 to 980Ti or 1080?

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The 1080p outperforms the 980Ti everywhere period. Maybe bar a few irrelevant outlier exceptions.

It's also better in terms of power consumption and everything else.


Your 980 is not holding back Oblivion unless you're doing something extreme[ly pointless]. Turn Vsync on if you haven't already.

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Thanks. According to articles the 4GB limit in Windows 10 is actually for the sum of vram plus system ram, so a DX9 game that uses 2GB to run its program code can use only up to 2GB of vram. Again if this is wrong I'd be interested to know.


To FMod, you're going into Melvin mode again. Trust me you have no clue what extremely pointless is. :)

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Thanks. According to articles the 4GB limit in Windows 10 is actually for the sum of vram plus system ram, so a DX9 game that uses 2GB to run its program code can use only up to 2GB of vram. Again if this is wrong I'd be interested to know.


To FMod, you're going into Melvin mode again. Trust me you have no clue what extremely pointless is. :smile:

I'm not completly sure with the vram + ram thing, cause some claimed that with skse memory patch and all those things the ram was seperated from the vram limit (but also limit to around 3,5GB or something like that), good I changed to Skyrim SE ... I mainly changed to Windows 10 to use the dx12 features in some other games and were totally unaware of the dx9 problems back then. Now I'm playing fo4 until some important mods are ported over.


Sadly no one would ever take on the idea of porting older games like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 to newer engines and todays standards.


There is never something as "extreme" ... until your pc explodes.

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Honestly if you want more vram or feel like you need it for games, upgrade, however I do not think it is worth upgrading to a 1080 if you are on a 980/ti. Unless you can sell your current card for a good price and put that toward a 1080. Edited by Ilrita
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Again the issue with us is noise not performance. I was hoping to hear from someone who has done a 980>980Ti or 980>1080 upgrade and can tell us if Oblivion runs any cooler/quieter at the same settings.


To get a bit more detailed:

My last switch was from a gtx 980 to an gtx 1080 (got my second card sometime later).

Cards compared: Asus gtx 980 Matrix vs Evga gtx 1080 ftw.

When looking out for cards for me was most important to have great oc potential (with good powerphases) and them also being quit when not used, or reasonable quiet when under load (so none of these rockets with their vanilla cooler).

Both cards use different cooling systems (heatsinks, fans, etc.), but are both really quiet. I'm still using one of my 980 Matrix's in a different system.

I tried as best as I could to compare them, but due to the use of different case and cpu coolers these data isn't complete universally usable: I tested them both with Skyrim (just to have something common to test, but had no oblivion installed at the moment...) and the gtx 1080 was much quieter. Due to the less load to maintain the 60 fps (capped) there was less heat an so on less fan noise.

When unlocking framerate both cards would power up to 100% but the evga would still say a bit quieter ... maybe cause it has a better fan solution, idk, never really compared the cards coling systems against each other before :sweat:


But theoretically my findings should be representable, even when comparing stock cooler gtx 980 vs stock cooler gtx 1080.

Skipped the 980ti, so can't say anything to that.

Hope this helps you.

Edited by L3s7ing
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It does and thank you. A few discussions have comments like "wait for the 1080Ti" which would be a logical next step for Nvidia. It's probably why the 1080 was straddled with 256-bit memory in the first place imo. :) It would be the best of both worlds, 384-bit and with the new 10xx/VR/etc support.

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It's all about the pricing tag ^^ the 1080ti should be presented around January/February (at least some claim that) and will cost (like it'S previous versions) something between the 1080 and titanX, with nearly the same performance as the titanX. However, when waiting for the 1080ti you could also look out for amd's Vega Chipset, which is claimed to be going toe to toe with Nvidia's top models ...
Even when being on team green myself since I started building computers, I have to say that amd will bring better dx12 compatibility and asynchronous shaders, while nvidia can't deliver that with their pascal series. Maybe amd will rise again ^^ However, it seems it's all about who you like more.

Nvidias Volta gpu's will sadly only arrive in 2018 to 2019 and I hope they will bring some real revolution in architecture.

Edited by L3s7ing
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Again the issue with us is noise not performance. I was hoping to hear from someone who has done a 980>980Ti or 980>1080 upgrade and can tell us if Oblivion runs any cooler/quieter at the same settings.


i went from a 970ti to a 980ti and in FO3/NV (similar to OB) there was no real change in the noise levels, both are pretty quiet unless you put them under heavy load, even then the noise is nothing excessive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't read through everyone's comments, but I would suggest neither. wait for the 1080ti to come out if you really want to upgrade. otherwise you aren't really jumping that much.

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