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Just a Thank You!


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I just wanted to give a Thx to Nexus, Bethesda, and all the great modders out there. I'm probably one of the oldest gamers you'll find. I'm 64 and been playing RPGs since Baulders Gate. Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, and with the help of Nexus and great mods it is becoming a perfect combo of playability and 1st class graphics. Thanks again to all envolved. LVL 50 Nord "Wholfen".
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I just wanted to give a Thx to Nexus, Bethesda, and all the great modders out there. I'm probably one of the oldest gamers you'll find. I'm 64 and been playing RPGs since Baulders Gate. Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, and with the help of Nexus and great mods it is becoming a perfect combo of playability and 1st class graphics. Thanks again to all envolved. LVL 50 Nord "Wholfen".


64 and Baulder's Gate is the first rpg you ever played? Why did you wait so long?

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I just wanted to give a Thx to Nexus, Bethesda, and all the great modders out there. I'm probably one of the oldest gamers you'll find. I'm 64 and been playing RPGs since Baulders Gate. Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, and with the help of Nexus and great mods it is becoming a perfect combo of playability and 1st class graphics. Thanks again to all envolved. LVL 50 Nord "Wholfen".


64 and Baulder's Gate is the first rpg you ever played? Why did you wait so long?

OKay, didn't want to admit it but my first gaming experience was pong. My first computer was an Atari 1200XL and loved Space War. The 1200XL came out when I was in my 30s. Built my 3rd PC a little over 2 years ago with AMD quad core black edition, oc'd to 3.5ghz (just using air cooling). running 8 gig ram and dual nvidia 260s in SLI mode on 32" monitor. A long way from the Atari.

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I just wanted to give a Thx to Nexus, Bethesda, and all the great modders out there. I'm probably one of the oldest gamers you'll find. I'm 64 and been playing RPGs since Baulders Gate. Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, and with the help of Nexus and great mods it is becoming a perfect combo of playability and 1st class graphics. Thanks again to all envolved. LVL 50 Nord "Wholfen".


64 and Baulder's Gate is the first rpg you ever played? Why did you wait so long?

OKay, didn't want to admit it but my first gaming experience was pong. My first computer was an Atari 1200XL and loved Space War. The 1200XL came out when I was in my 30s. Built my 3rd PC a little over 2 years ago with AMD quad core black edition, oc'd to 3.5ghz (just using air cooling). running 8 gig ram and dual nvidia 260s in SLI mode on 32" monitor. A long way from the Atari.



You had to wait 30 years to play a decent video game? ... life is so cruel. I'm 30 and been gaming for 22 years, and hopefully another 40, god willing.


It is a beautiful game, not without it's flaws, but certainly the best game i've played for years.

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OKay, didn't want to admit it but my first gaming experience was pong. My first computer was an Atari 1200XL and loved Space War. The 1200XL came out when I was in my 30s. Built my 3rd PC a little over 2 years ago with AMD quad core black edition, oc'd to 3.5ghz (just using air cooling). running 8 gig ram and dual nvidia 260s in SLI mode on 32" monitor. A long way from the Atari.


No worries. I bet many people's first video gaming experience was pong, including myself. My first graphical RPG on PC was either Ultima or Wizardry, and Dragon Warrior was my first on console. Good times. You missed out on some great classics.

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I can't remember my first, but Adventure, Warlords and Mad Bomber from the 2600 stick out. I also played through all the King's Quest series, along with Police Quest, Space Quest and other games by Sierra On-Line. But "Adventure" was the first one that really made an impression. For all you whippersnappers out there: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventure_(Atari_2600)


And, I just want to echo what the OP said. Thank you to the community for always keeping the games we love (despite their faults) relevant, entertaining and cutting edge.

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