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Monty Python Coconut Mod!


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Straight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, allow your companions to pull out two halves of coconuts and clasp them together to simulate horse sounds. To touch up, have the player animated whilst running as if he or she were riding a horse.


You could purchase the coconuts from a few shopkeepers and give them to your companion to use. Only when following you (or else it wouldn't make sense) they use the coconuts.


Is this not the best mod idea yet? Somebody simply must do this!

Even add King Arthur's armour and a large companion backpack for extra immersion.

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Straight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, allow your companions to pull out two halves of coconuts and clasp them together to simulate horse sounds. To touch up, have the player animated whilst running as if he or she were riding a horse.


You could purchase the coconuts from a few shopkeepers and give them to your companion to use. Only when following you (or else it wouldn't make sense) they use the coconuts.


Is this not the best mod idea yet? Somebody simply must do this!

Even add King Arthur's armour and a large companion backpack for extra immersion.


It's already been requested on the official forums, I think around the end of November,

so you'll have to search for it, it's probably quite a few dozen pages down by now.


I think I even requested the Brave Sir Robin Song, for the bards to sing.

LOVE Monty Python

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I'm not surprised it's already been suggested. Let's hope that and Brave Sir Robin song happens.


Another awesome idea,

Have a Knights Who Say Ni bandit faction (not joinable) and they'll ridicule you with the sacred word 'Ni', occupying a particular area which you'd normally like to pass through. If you attempt to cross they'll attack unless you complete a quest for them - finding the legendary shrubbery.


There's so many possibilities... killer rabbit, Bridge of Death, Holy Hand Grenade spell...

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