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They still have a lot of work for F4SE. Give them some time. My understanding (from reading their posts and updates) is that they don't want to give a timeframe until they can be certain, so you won't have any sort of time estimate until they're ready to provide one.


However personally I wouldn't expect it any time soon, it's a very difficult and demanding project that requires a lot of information about the engine that Bethesda doesn't necessarily share with them and may well change any time they do a patch or update. This means a lot of research before they can even start programming.

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I keep checking the forums for any word or updates. I check their site too.


Would be nice if they'd post on there occasional "status updates" like "Still breathing. SKSE SE progress has not vanquished us yet! Dec 26th 2016 update."

Something like that, Just to confirm they're alive. Just like, once every 2 or 3 weeks :smile: Even like, the same words with a date update to confirm they still live and haven't gone into hiding because the SE version threatened to end them and everyone they ever knew if they didn't xD =D

Might help anxiety for lunatics like myself xD


*Clarification thing - I know on the forums the devs have been keeping us in the loop, and appreciate that tons. It's just checking the SKSE site and just having the oct. post makes my over-reacting anxiety inducers fire up xp <3 Esp. when I don't have the time to hunt through forums. Bookmarked behippo's profile to check there though, so that'll probably fix that =D

Edited by Tilgia
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"Dev Entry 11/27/2016 - Despite best efforts, SKSE SE has thus far failed in all attempts to vanquish us, the battle continues!"
"Dev Entry 12/15/2016 - The Battle for Skyrim continues. We shall press on!"
"Dev Entry 01/11/2017 - Need *gasp for air* moar pizza pockets and *gasp for air* Xena tapes *rattling breath*"

"Dev Entry 01/30/2017 - All good on Xena tapes ppl, ty, but please, there's no more room!"
"Dev Entry 02/12/2017 - Uhm, cat killed some code notes on scripting modifications, resuscitation efforts have been inconclusive..."




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I keep checking the forums for any word or updates. I check their site too.


Would be nice if they'd post on there occasional "status updates" like "Still breathing. SKSE SE progress has not vanquished us yet! Dec 26th 2016 update."

Something like that, Just to confirm they're alive. Just like, once every 2 or 3 weeks :smile: Even like, the same words with a date update to confirm they still live and haven't gone into hiding because the SE version threatened to end them and everyone they ever knew if they didn't xD =D

Might help anxiety for lunatics like myself xD

You say every 2 or 3 weeks but there's a post in this very thread from just a few days ago promising an update before the end of the year/week.

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