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Lookiing for an MMORPG


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and its not one of those F2P where those who pay win

This is true, but having access to advanced powersets or even custom ones can be a considerable boost since you aren't limited to a specific motif and can string together skill combos better. Premium accounts also have access to a few additional skill points than the freebie ones, so there is some advantage, more so if you're the sort to consider builds carefully.


What advantage does it really mean though? Not much at all, even in the Herogames (sort of PvP sideshow) it's more about using what you have than anything since everything is on cooldowns and powerbuilding attacks. And is entirely voluntary.


If I could see it holding my interest long term and had the extra money, I could see myself buying the lifetime gold membership... I just don't have that much time to play MMOs any more, and the roleplay scene there is a bit outside my taste, and in some cases can leave you with an odd sickening feeling.

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The thing I enjoyed about CO the most was powerbuilding. Not as im charging myself up in combat, I mean building powerful builds. If you like making the most uber dude possible, you'll like this game lol, if you pure as one thing, like my main's pure gun DPS, you'll be having a great time, because the stats you can eventualy reach are truly mental. I mean, I can three-pulse almost any regular Villain my level, all I have to do to clear groups is either SMG them to hell, or use my sniper rifle. Either option does such ludicrous damage it pretty much nullifies a whole regular battlegroup in a single shot. I actualy reached this one mission which I had to call in a friend to help me, because I couldn't get my DPS low enough to wound yet not kill. There's something endlessly satisfying about soloing an equal-leveled group mission afterall.


PS: protip: always add some melee to a dex/ego build, those stats go nicely as with melee as they do with guns, and a katana/gun/gadgeteer build is quite possible. Deadpool had the right idea, this build carves stuff up, figuratively and literaly.

Edited by Vindekarr
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yea, i mean the transactions. it a lot of F2P games, with transactions, those who are willing to spend money the money end up getting more. be it moves, or gear or what have you. in CO, the stuff you buy is mostly cosmetic. you cant buy anything to make you super powerful.


there is a difference between F2P and subscribers, but its small. mostly the difference is in how much you can customize your character. in F2P your set on a certain structure. but subscribers can choose any move from any structure they want. sure, they will be a little stronger, but even the wire frame builds can be as strong as any customized build. i just like to customize my build so im not stuck with the same thing. i play more for the Role Playing then anything, so i like to do thematic builds. idc about PvP.

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DCU online was the second worst game I played last year, though not nearly as bad as APB.Split problem by problem, the main issues where that melee attacks had infinite reach-you didn't actual have to get into melee combat to melee, simply swing at them and you'd hit them, from further away than guns could. Powers themsevles feel decidedly unheroic, there's very little choice, especialy with support powers, which fall into only a tiny number of catergories. With three movement abilities to choose from, only a handful of support abilities, and very narrow roles pre-set for each main powerset, you could only really be a few diferent types of dude. Costumes were similarly gimped-forget about true personalisation, it's pretty much tights tights and tights, robots? nope, vampires? nopes, unless they're vampires in tights, beasts? unlikely, armour? not on your life. And it's moot anyway, your gear overwrites your costume meaning whenever you equip new gear you have to manualy reset it. Probably the most glaring flaw is the lack of facial costumisation, you've got skin and a few other options, but you can't change to cast of your face much at all, making everyone, especialy female characters(which feel utterly neglected to begin with) looking like an army of clones in diferent colour tights.As afforementioned there's a real neglect on female characters, as they have a lot less options than males and their faces all look pretty much the same. This and their tarty posture and walk leaves the game feeling a bit sexist for modern times, but this pales in comparision to DCU's deadliest sin: you don't feel remotely super. You, every play, has the same origin, they're "mass produced" superheroes created by Lex Luther to resist brainiac's invasion, and compared to say, Superman, or my favorite, Batman, you're pretty pathetic. They have vastly better costumes, gear, powers, and personalities, compared to which, even at levelcap, you seem utterly weak and mortal. This is unforgiveable in a superhero game relative to the competition.Combat too is woeful, and probably the thing that kills this rotten little pile of misery off. Enemies always attack in groups and aggro is random, haphazard and unpredictable. Ai is terrible and to make matters worse, so's the pathfinding(enemies often jumping off cliffs) Even at levelcap and with a strong character, the constant, unavoidable combat crawls by with the pace of a star's life cycle. Enemies, even basic henchmen, take vast punishment to kill, and the actual pase is so slow that it's not fun, it's actualy a chore. Facing ten guys and having to fight each one for 70 seconds, and then moving 30 feet and fighting ten more just makes you want to scream.


not quite sure how long you played it, or if you continue too play...doubtful by your complete dislike of the game. enemies take forever to kill? where? the only fights i've had that take awhile were soloing some of the bounties. (bounties are basically major boss fights in the open world, killing named villains or heroes, like solomon grundy, powergirl, etc) and seriously don't get where you see so few powers? 9 power sets, and 10 weapon styles, each power set has 4 paths, meh DCUO Wiki can read about it there, crafting was just added as well (update 8 ) and the only beef i've heard from former champion players is you can't change the colors of the weapons gfx, they're dependent on what power you chose. oh, and the ability to reach level cap in 3 days...something most mmo'ers just aren't used too.


the game is only just turning a year old, your post was as if it's been running the same for years. AI and aggro are easy to predict...they work as intended. i have a tank toon, ag works fine. and you didn't mention powers chosen always have one role, DPS, and always have a secondary depending on the power, Tank, Healer, or Controller...not simplistic at all, multiple branches, multiple roles, and your abilities, perks, bonuses and penalties change by what role you're in.


and seriously...70 seconds? exaggeration maybe? i've had no fight, even with my first toon, drag out that long on trash mobs.

and tights? what did you play? the beta and then quit? there's tons of costume choices, covering everything...even zombie, not just tights >.> don't believe? i can post some screens if you want.

melee attacks infinite range? are you kidding? melee attacks are melee range, ranged attacks are at range...you got hit by a hacker if you think melee attacks were borked. the 2 most common hacks were speedhack, and infinite range hack, the infinite range is either completely or mostly gone now, the speedhack still occurs occasionally in PvP. report player cheating and then they're banned.


manually reset gear? what? little tab to 'lock' gear or at the top of style select to lock/unlock all. once you find what you want your toon to wear hit lock, and it will never change no matter what you equip until you unlock and choose something new yourself. beasts? yep, lion, tiger, cheetah, gorilla, pterodactyl, insects, fox, wolf, not to mention skins for demons, zombies, cyborgs, pure crystalline, glowing, tattooed, barbarian, lava, plant, rock and more...as wells as costume choices along those same lines. and there are more moods, what you called postures than just the flirty (as it's called) serious, primal, etc. hitting supersonic when flying doesn't make you feel super? or zip lining up the side of a skyscraper? diving and knocking everything to the ground (or throwing it for yards) around you just from the pressure wave of the dive? picking up cars/large objects and either throwing them mowing down mobs or using them to bash mobs?


sounds like you played a totally different game. you sure it was dcuo you played?


edit reason the '8' after update had no space before the ) so it ended up 8) :\

Edited by DeadSpace
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I haven't played DCUO since the beta phase. Is flight and guns still ridiculously OP? I remember npc's just standing there doing nothing while you just flew around all over the place shooting at them. The game was fun and all, but I got tired of it in a few days, maybe its much better now. I liked being a gorilla climbing along building a lot though. Probably the best part of the game :laugh: . Maybe its just beta's that get old fast. Diablo 3, *cough cough*. While playing it I was just thinking it was not bad, but I could be playing Diablo 2. lan party mode; engage! :biggrin:
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How about Dark Age of Camelot? It was made by an American company and has a semi-historical early medieval Europe theme. I think only about 12,000 or so people still play it but I've also heard all of the servers were recently clustered into one.
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Has anyone mentioned Eve?

Eve is pretty much ruled out from the standpoint of heavy PvP and caustic userbase founded on prescribed greifing of new players. It's one of those anti-social MMO's where you spend most of your time alone and silent because the moment you say anything you have people on your trail trying to kill you or trick you into becoming a target.

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That's a bit unfair, most people hate EVE because they're scared even to play it, and that's why they shouldn't. EVE's community is not caustic, it's darwinistic. You're either the big, ugly fish that eats other smaller fish, or you're the little fish, and in lowsec that means getting eaten.


It's completely possible to play EVE without PVP, it is however a very hardcore game, requiring research and patience, characteristics that deny it to many people. Expect to play for a few months before you really become powerful, and about a year before you really understand it. A good corporation(guild) is absolutely vital. The most critical thing to know about EVE, which is undeniably an excellent game, is that it really doesn't like you. If you lose a ship, it's gone forever. You can get scammed, that's legal. You can get blown up out of PVP zones, that's legal but penalised. You can have your missions stolen from of the mission item, that's legal. For many the simple possibility of these makes them unable to play the game, labeling it unfair, or simply something more profane. But they're missing the point. EVE is a test, it's a long, cruel test. You're either broken by it like most people and run away, or you survive. They may be able to grief you, but only if you let them.


You can only be "ganked" outside PVP zones if you really do something idiotic, if someone steals your mission item, you're allowed to kill them right then and there, no consequences. And if you're smart, you'll simply insure your ship. In EVE you either adapt, evolve, and survive, or you eventualy bow out. But for me, that was what initialy attracted me to it, you really have to think about what you're doing, you have to keep your eyes open, and if PVP comes around, the victor comes down to tactics and skill, rather than the other guy being a level 80 deathknight. Truly massive warships can be destroyed by human idiocy-I've killed a 1.1 billion credit Sleipnir in a 39 million credit Drake because the Sleip pilot was an arrogant moron, I've seen a guy in Amarr militia kill a Vagabond(aprox 880 million worth) with a Retribution(34 million worth, an eight the size) The Vagabond pilot did nothing wrong, Magic was just such a freakin' artist with an assault fighter.

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That's a bit unfair, most people hate EVE because they're scared even to play it, and that's why they shouldn't. EVE's community is not caustic, it's darwinistic. You're either the big, ugly fish that eats other smaller fish, or you're the little fish, and in lowsec that means getting eaten.


It's completely possible to play EVE without PVP, it is however a very hardcore game, requiring research and patience, characteristics that deny it to many people. Expect to play for a few months before you really become powerful, and about a year before you really understand it. A good corporation(guild) is absolutely vital. The most critical thing to know about EVE, which is undeniably an excellent game, is that it really doesn't like you. If you lose a ship, it's gone forever. You can get scammed, that's legal. You can get blown up out of PVP zones, that's legal but penalised. You can have your missions stolen from of the mission item, that's legal. For many the simple possibility of these makes them unable to play the game, labeling it unfair, or simply something more profane. But they're missing the point. EVE is a test, it's a long, cruel test. You're either broken by it like most people and run away, or you survive. They may be able to grief you, but only if you let them.


You can only be "ganked" outside PVP zones if you really do something idiotic, if someone steals your mission item, you're allowed to kill them right then and there, no consequences. And if you're smart, you'll simply insure your ship. In EVE you either adapt, evolve, and survive, or you eventualy bow out. But for me, that was what initialy attracted me to it, you really have to think about what you're doing, you have to keep your eyes open, and if PVP comes around, the victor comes down to tactics and skill, rather than the other guy being a level 80 deathknight. Truly massive warships can be destroyed by human idiocy-I've killed a 1.1 billion credit Sleipnir in a 39 million credit Drake because the Sleip pilot was an arrogant moron, I've seen a guy in Amarr militia kill a Vagabond(aprox 880 million worth) with a Retribution(34 million worth, an eight the size) The Vagabond pilot did nothing wrong, Magic was just such a freakin' artist with an assault fighter.


everything you just said, sounds like how Vagrant described it...he was just more blunt, and you said it more optimistically lol :P

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