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Radiant AI Rocks!

David Brasher

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So I am a great hero in the Stormcloak army. I am hanging around in the great hall of the Castle in Windhelm. I need to talk to Jarl Ulfric to get more orders, but he isn't there. So I sit down at the banquet table to wait.


The Jarl comes and I tap the button to stand up. Oh no! My cursor was pointed at meat on the table and instead of standing up, I steal a piece of meat! The guards come running and arrest me, great hero of the Stormcloaks that I am.


I pay my fine and return to the great hall to get my orders. I go off and fight a great battle and win more land and glory for my liege. On the road back to Windhelm, I stop at a blacksmith shop and go to a workbench to improve my armor.


Suddenly I get attacked! I had never been attacked while crafting before. It was rather frightening. Three thugs with mohawks and axes attack me. The guards and I defeat them. On one of the corpses, I find a note. It is a contract on me. Jorleif, the counselor of Jarl Ulfric, who was there when I accidentally stole meat from the great hall, payed these thugs to rough me up and even kill me to punish me for being a thief.


So I go back to Windhelm and expect Jorlief to be rude or hateful to me. But he acts normal and is friendly and helps me out with a quest I am doing to solve a local crime.


Radiant AI rocks!


(I wonder if Jorlief is going to send another band of thugs to kill me? I bet if he does, then I will whip out my axe right there in the great hall and send Jorlief's bloody soul straight to Sovngard. [Actually he is probably an essential character, but that won't stop me from trying.])

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Stole a journal (and only a journal) from a certain serial killer in Windhelm... which could in fact be used to put aforementioned serial killer in jail if my character wasn't an idiot. He sent thugs after me and that was that, we're still friends.


Oh Radiant AI. :rolleyes:

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I wish they dedicated more time on that stuff. The mercs are nice but they're always 3 mercs for robbing someone. And the Dark Brotherhood if you kill someone.


Once, i was running back to Riverwood. All happy when from nowhere a Dark Brotherhood assasin appears and tries to kill me with dual swords. Tough fight, killed him, and trew his body on the river. 100m or so after, i enter Riverwood and, suprise! 3 thugs waiting me inside. They try to kill me (the guards DONT help at all, WTF, attacking me in middle of the village and they do sht), another, even tougher fight. Killed them, and trew their bodies to the river.


That said, i think that was the most hard part of the entire game on that character lol (on expert, 170hs till i decided to start over), i was low level, like 15 or so, light armor, no blocking, just dual wield swords.

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Sounds like simple fixes and not the fault of the Radiant AI itself. Human error on either the part of Beth or yourself. That meat should not had been tagged as something to steal by your character. Regardless, you did steal it, nonetheless. Why would a big hero think he could steal anything now? Someone else thought differently. But it was an accident? Sure.


No option for the guilty as charged returning to the one who hired rental cops and doing more bad? Not the Radiant AI's fault either.

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The game tracks how many bunnies you've killed but not your relationship with various NPCs, it wouldn't be difficult to have a system in place that stops this kind of silliness.
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Yeah, whoever sends the note should have a vendetta towards you. When you next see them, they talk to you like they don't like you. It shouldn't be that hard to do!


Yes and no.


Yes, agreed, it is not hard to program a simple trigger/response.


No, it is harder to actually put in-game. It requires more writing for the dialogue, more voice acting, possibly more branches with further stuff, all depending on how far you want to take it. I think many of these issues we have like this are just like coming across the invisible border surrounding Skyrim; they had to stop at some point. It's a big game in other ways, but to make it bigger in all these ways would mean waiting longer for it's release, again, depending on how far to take it.


Btw, in playing Devil's Advocate here and defending Beth, I'm just realizing myself why these faults exist in a game like this. It's just not that kind of game with just one story that can be expanded. Too many really kewl little things, you know. Would you rather wait a year or two for the game's release or play it as is and have them begin work on the next? I dunno.

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