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[WIP] Ethas: Embrace of Destiny


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well it shows great dedication - hope you enjoy.


I have been keeping my eye on expansion mods that promise to add a great deal of content to the game (and that it seems will actually get built) this has got to be in the top 5 of everything being work on - keep it up I am sure many people are tracking this one - Steve

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  On 5/22/2012 at 5:45 AM, EMH said:

Alright, something I've been planning for a while is happening tomorrow.


18 hour modding day #1!


I will literally be modding nonstop (well, besides eating and those other unimportant things) for 18 hours, running from 8am-2am, maybe a bit later. This is something I plan to do multiple times during the summer, seeing as I got a ton done when I did it one day for Alton. Should be fun! ;)


whoa that is dedication!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so some pretty exciting news.


We got "Version Control" working! For those that don't know what it is, it essentially allows us to work on Ethas simultaneously within the Creation Kit, thus essentially doubling the amount of work we can get done at one time. This is exciting news for us, as before we were using a system to where only one of us could work on Ethas within the Creation Kit at a time. A huge thanks to Crosshair from the SureAI team for his tutorial on Version Control, as it has been invaluable to us in order to get this to work. We plan to show off some more stuff later this summer, and now that our work flow has just been greatly improved, we're even more excited to share with you guys.



But, hey, who am I kidding, ya'll want a screenshot. So here's one for now. :P



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Keep in mind that we're not procedurally generating anything, all of the objects and textures are hand-placed by either Justin or I. Just thought I should mention that, since generation seems to be a pretty popular choice. Do I have anything against generating exterior detail? No, I used it a bit in Alton. But still, I prefer doing it by hand.
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i dont know mutch about the diferent by generating and doing it by hand but is it like generating it generate something similar and therefor it does look a lite copy paste and hand generating makes it look more unique?
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I got to this, this is pretty exciting. I haven't played FO3 for the PC, so I was not able to experience your amazing expansion, but I read about it and I have to say, that is some pretty amazing work! The dedication is prize worthy! So much time and work went into that mod, and I can tell it will be the same for this one. This is a very cool plan, making this basically a seperate game but playing it with the engine that is given. I was wondering, how are you going to get there? Are we going to travel there with an existing character, or are we going to load Skyrim up and have an option to start basically a new game in the new land? Since we are playing an important character, I'm asuming that if the ladder is true, then we would have a set stat amount, level and some dope equipment. Also, I plan on getting my other mic out of my storage sometime soon(since there is no way I am going to keep using the built in microphone lmao), so when that happens could I send you guys some samples and possibly help with any VA work you need done? Generic battle noises/baddies, or a super awesome important character is totally fine =D Just kiding. Anyways, good luck! Can't wait to see more updates.
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Both, actually! When you load an existing save, you'll have a spell added to your inventory, simply titled "Travel to Ethas." When you travel, that spell is removed and a second spell is added, obviously titled "Travel to Skyrim." These spells follow the same rules as fast travel, i.e. if you are in combat, falling, fast travel has been disabled by a quest, etc., you can't switch worlds. It works quite well, and allows for players to extend their playthroughs with a completely new experience.


On the other hand, there will also be a message that appears when starting a new game, asking which world they'd like to start in. If you start in Ethas, you can switch to Skyrim and start the quest there. The only difference will be that it will skip the character creation UI, as that causes some issues with resetting skills. The same is true when starting in Skyrim and switching to Ethas.


Basically, we're trying to conform to all preferences and playstyles. Also, we'll take note of your name for voice acting. We're not quite at that stage yet, but when you get your mic out, feel free to send over some samples to Jhardingame, the audio expert. :)

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