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With the Wind at our Backs return we back to the Inn.


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In a land that time forgot a woman who did not weilded a sword which cut a knot and opened the way to a door to what was not remembered until then. Two ends the rope she split lay wasted at her feet as she invited those without within to see what a grand display she had and they called her, "Muse".


And for all the delights that she had treasured many came to see. Many who rose to her call and visited the unveiled mansion found to their delights items outside and in that reminded them of home. This some thought was a miracle as it seemed she gave the people a new hope for the future.


On a whim one who ventured in seeing several of their own ancestral tomes braved the halls of the forgotten realms. The person stuttering in excitement said, "You have an amazing stock of wo...wor...world wonders here. In m...m... my, o...op...opinion...ah. Miss...ma...mu...mus...Muse...I...s...s...see...eh...um."


Knowing the delight which was beginning to overwhelm her too. She bubbled with the joy arising within her. She could not help but admire the man for being so taken in at the sight's.


As the power of wit stirred Muse she too felt his delightful tingles and it caused her to roll her own words off her tongue in the stammered fusion of his stuttered excitement until he stopped to ponder another item that amazed him.

Not to confuse hime Muse reigned in her own voice and stalled as the stutterer did too. "Yes!" He said, "You have a lovely collection...in y...yo...your ma...ma...magnificant...ma...man...mansi...ah...house, ah...m...mis...Muse...ze...um".


Now Skyrim does remind me of the best of Morrowind as I can see. It seems to me the wind is putting some of us a test. Will we wonder and wander against the blustering chill's the wind? Have we desire to retire for awhile? So it will make us turn our backs to it, stand pausing to look back upon the trail from which we came, and maybe be pushed a bit to think to wander toward the place where it does relax the Gust's and Gail's?


Would we give in to the spirit's, and leave our quest for a moment now, to allow the wind to aim us to where the wind softens its pressure upon our back's and bring us closer to a place where inside an Inn we hear a dull roar? Could we, should we, go into the Inn, walk up to the Inn Keeper, and buy a drink?


Allow me to say, an Inn which Morrowind gave some of us direction's to and a memory connecting us too.


Now in Skyrim I can sense a tavern where, I will find, the breeze at my back will drive me in a direction soon.


So we all will meet where we share an Ale, Mead, or a Bards Tune too. So we all can stand up in the candle light and can tell the stories we have to tell since while Winter bares down outside the shelter until the last story teller has told their lifes latest adventure to us all. Don't be shy, when it is your turn! Be proud that you live to tell what you have seen, touched, tasted, feared, and basted with a mace or a sword, flashed at with a flame from your staff. All of us have been there and it delights us when we can hear someone else tell their own tale in their own word's.



I recall many who were brought under the roof of the Inn known as Morrowind. I still hold a crystal ball that I can look upon and see all I have passed near and spoken with.



Castles, fort's Building's of note, and house's, those building quest's from their memories, some showing and building images of people who look like us. Such a delight it is to see it all happening again.



Our last departure to the outer realm into the stretch of those realms which may be found, realm's rediscovered, and unbound brings us to realize we, even I, went off so we could find a place of our own called, 'Home."


Another Happy New Day to all of You! Another moment may that little voice remind you that when you open your eyes you unwrap a present and it is your's all day! And even into the night if you do not tire of the delight which you see presented to you as shadows begin to linger on the ground and around us. If you linger until night brings on the stars above where many see even more lives whose are aspiring to see. The ones who have gone on a quest that has taken them farther than they could have imagined possible.


They too will return one day as spirits demand. Their mind willing them to stop in at the Inn after a moment or two of concern as to what, or who, awaits within too. They who brave the entrance will find another adventure and possibly find their kindred spirit's of the mind waiting to hear about their latest adventure story too.

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Very excellent, Pagafyr, as usual!!! I like your very special take on writing, on fanfic. I will read through this more than once. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


PS: since I have given you kudos, I give honourary kudos!

Edited by Maharg67
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