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Skyrim Remastered and Mods


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Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I've played skyrim on PC. I have the original version of the game with about 9GB of mods all organized with mod organizer and from what I've found online, it looks like not all of these mods were ported to the remastered special edition (most of them were not). I can't go without most of the mods because I've finished the base game 4 times over and the amount of mods on the remastered version appears to be limited at the moment to only some bigger name mods that I have. Thing is I also experienced most of those fully as well. My question pretty much is if I have all of these mods already set up should I even bother upgrading? I don't really care about graphics and I have an ENB preset anyway. TLDR; i have a ton of mods and am wondering if i should go to remastered edition and bother trying to make all of them compatible or should i just stick with original skyrim?

Edited by PowerPleb
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Given what you've told us, I would advise you to wait. Play your "Oldrim" as we call it these days with your nice mod setup. Sometime this Spring the SKSE team is expected to release a new version for the 64bit SE of Skyrim. After that they plan on helping the SkyUI team port their mod over. Once those two are done, mod authors can port all the mods over that require SKSE and SkyUI without having to deal with "workarounds". Then you will most likely see a massive increase in ported mods. Skyrim SE is far more stable than Oldrim due to being 64bit, but until all the great mods that rely on SKSE and SkyUI get ported over, I wouldn't bother.


TLDR; Wait until this Spring for 64bit SKSE and SkyUI, then dive in.

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Given what you've told us, I would advise you to wait. Play your "Oldrim" as we call it these days with your nice mod setup. Sometime this Spring the SKSE team is expected to release a new version for the 64bit SE of Skyrim. After that they plan on helping the SkyUI team port their mod over. Once those two are done, mod authors can port all the mods over that require SKSE and SkyUI without having to deal with "workarounds". Then you will most likely see a massive increase in ported mods. Skyrim SE is far more stable than Oldrim due to being 64bit, but until all the great mods that rely on SKSE and SkyUI get ported over, I wouldn't bother.


TLDR; Wait until this Spring for 64bit SKSE and SkyUI, then dive in.


Yep. This. Right on the money. ^^


Bump for anyone else wondering.

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