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Skyrim just like Real Life


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Something poped in my head last night, i said to myself wow Skyrim is best game ever made. I want to live there , my real life sucks.


Right, if u want to make game as your 2nd life u stick with those rules:


1.NEVER ever use Console commands and cheats , they can be very fun, things like speed boost, all spells but they are ruining realitly. Things like Auto level ,TGM,PSB, speedmult , etc...


2.NEVER use fast travel except carriage to main towns. Teleporting is not cool.


3.Dont steal or pickpocket unless its quest related or u are part of Thieves Guild.


4. Dont kill people or animals for fun , u are Dovahkiin hero slayer od Dragons , kill wizards, vampires, bandits, not chickens or fair citizens.


5.Live as u live in real life. In morning take a walk to town, talk wit people, eat 5-6 meals per day, Slice of bread with Goat cheese, Grilled chicken breast with cabbage for luch ,etc..


If u are mage eat 3 meals, people who are strong mentaly need litle food, assasian rogues, archers 4-5 , warriors need most 6-7...


With so much runing and fighting u need energy, imagine that u do that in real life.


Note: Vikings consumed about 10,000 calories per day in Winter, since they worked 8 hours minimum in harsh weather. U need food.


6.Take a bath, not seriously, install male or female nude mod, go near nice lake or river and swin for litle, (dont forget to pick up your gear.)


7.Life in Skyrim is short and brutal, find a woman and marry.


8.Own a house and become a Thane of some city, gain respect of people.


9. 1 day per week - REST Day do nothing except eating, making potions, reading books, enoying your time and talking with people in your favourite town.


10. Sleep 6-7 hours min per day,- even hero needs rest. Sleep from 10 PM - 5:00 AM (no waiting it must be precise)


11. NEVER skip conversationsm for example u talking with someone keep it real. No skiping.


12.If u end in jail, serve your time or try escape BUT!- only 1 chance - no loading back after break lockpick.


13.Dont use Novie or Master difficulty they ruin game, play default which in this case is Adept prob Normal. Common Skyrim experience.


14.Drink 1-2 wine ör Mead every day! Hell yea!


15.Potion overdose- trying using 4health /stamina potion max every day.


16.No loading back if u did something good or bad by accident , oh i took an arrow in the knee, there is no coming back, excpet if u die.


17. Imagine yourself in real life , u are strong adult male. Dont carry more then 2 weapons, in case u are archer bow, and some random 1 handed or two handed. Mage - Staff and one handed weapon.


Since warriors are strongest , they can carry 2xtwo handed or 2x dual + 1xtwo handed weapon or 2x dual + shield.


18. Always leave books at home, dont carry more then 10x pots and 5x food items. - optional


19.Keep it real, think about your daily life routine and bring it to Skyrim.


For some i will sound to extreme, but is good to test your patience and skill, if u wanna add something feel free to do it.


20. I used to be...



P.S. if u die , no loading u will never play Skyrim again, game over bye bye.... That was a joke.

Edited by bibex
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Something poped in my head last night, i said to myself wow Skyrim is best game ever made. I want to live there , my real life sucks.


Wow, I'm sorry your life sucks so much...


Was meant to be joke , im not serious. I hope u are not troll.

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21: Life is short: buy a horse, climb every mountain.

22: Get married: Spouse never says more than 4 sentences to you.

23: Open inventory to eat, drink, read: Time stops.

24: March through wind swept arctic terrain: Do not wear a shirt.

25: Get shot with three arrows: Must be hearing things.

26: Get seriously injured: Eat one hundred raw venison haunches instantly, never have to float a log.

27: Join an established organization: Have no skills, become commander in chief in two days.

28: Slay dragons, trolls, giants, mudcrabs and zombies: stop to catch butterflies and pick flowers in between.

29: Do not sleep for a week: Lay down for 1 hour, wake up well rested.

30: Become an insurgent: Kill hundreds of soldiers, burn and sack forts, towns and villages, enemy guards greet you with a smile.

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I usually don't run unless I'm on a horse, or have a legitimate reason to hurry. For example, if I'm urgently needed in Solitude because a certain undead queen may have been resurrected, I'll sprint, and ride a horse while it sprints, and then sprint some more, etc. If this was real I'd really be running in that scenario. I don't usually just run if I'm exploring though.


Also, I'm going to play psychologist and take a wild guess:

Something bad happened recently; most likely you're sad because it just 'hit you' that Skyrim will never be real. The positive side is if you follow this path to its logical conclusion, you'll find that Skyrim is real in some regards, especially in how it can shape people who do physically exist.

You half-consider your life sad, but it's mild enough and inconsistent enough that you fluctuate either way, and claim that it was a joke if there's a risk taken that might lead to pity or a loss of respect.

You're excited about a role play thing that will make Skyrim seem more real, but ultimately it will just make you feel hollow as you realize that the attempt at realism is not flawless, but you wrote a long post anyway more to clarify your own thoughts and let the world know about your plan than anything else. Most likely this was written late at night.

You were probably vaguely depressed when you remembered this topic the following morning, and came here to do damage control and tell everyone that the 'life is sad' comment was a joke in order to avoid pity.

You will LARP at some point in your life.


Was I close on any of that? :whistling:

Maybe that's just me last week.

Edited by Rennn
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With the exception of eating 5-6 meals a day and sleeping at least once every day but then again I don't do that in real life. lol The only exception is console commands. I should be able to decorate my house how I want and put clothes back on dead bodies by default and not have to use console commands. Oh, and the not playing again after you die. F that. I believe in re-incarnation. lol Edited by VincentIcarus
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