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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Things like frosfall, realistic needs and disease, campfire, hunterborn.. Basically all mods that require MCM to set them up.. AND OF COURSE jiggling boobies because this is the only good way to enjoy your brand new ''fighting'' animations! :laugh: :facepalm:



99% of what you posted is on SSE :)

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It's all well and good to say "Be patient". But common courtesy requires at least ONE SENTENCE on the silverlock.org site indicating:


1) that they have not abandoned the project

2) that they have completed ___% of SKSE64 so far

3) that they now estimate a beta release on ___


Again, common courtesy. They are the ones who posted a mid-March date. Is it really that much to ask for a one sentence update? Can someone with some standing in the community who knows them not contact them and ask what's going on?


I'm very grateful for the work they're doing, but that's not the issue. A one sentence update is by no means an unreasonable request.

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It's all well and good to say "Be patient". But common courtesy requires at least ONE SENTENCE on the silverlock.org site indicating:


1) that they have not abandoned the project

2) that they have completed ___% of SKSE64 so far

3) that they now estimate a beta release on ___


Again, common courtesy. They are the ones who posted a mid-March date. Is it really that much to ask for a one sentence update? Can someone with some standing in the community who knows them not contact them and ask what's going on?


I'm very grateful for the work they're doing, but that's not the issue. A one sentence update is by no means an unreasonable request.


With all due respect, they don't have to do any of that, they don't owe anyone anything. They are doing this for free. It has nothing to do with common courtesy.

Please don't pretend it does, because we all know it is a selfish desire.


That said, they did post a date and set expectations. This is usually a pretty big mistake in the software world unless it is internal for production. This thread is evidence of why that is...

Edited by Zeridian
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It's all well and good to say "Be patient". But common courtesy requires at least ONE SENTENCE on the silverlock.org site indicating:


1) that they have not abandoned the project

2) that they have completed ___% of SKSE64 so far

3) that they now estimate a beta release on ___


Again, common courtesy. They are the ones who posted a mid-March date. Is it really that much to ask for a one sentence update? Can someone with some standing in the community who knows them not contact them and ask what's going on?


I'm very grateful for the work they're doing, but that's not the issue. A one sentence update is by no means an unreasonable request.


With all due respect, they don't have to do any of that, they don't owe anyone anything. They are doing this for free. It has nothing to do with common courtesy. Don't pretend it is.

That said, they did post a date and set expectations. This is usually a pretty big mistake in the software world unless it is internal for production. This thread is evidence of why that is...


bulls***. They publicly announced they were going to release it, that alone gives the community justification to demand updates, especially after they failed to release in the time frame they stated would. For all we know right now they could be doing this for the sole purpose of trolling us and never intended to release SKSE. Defending them by saying they aren't getting paid and what not is being nothing but a milk drinker.

Edited by onandaga
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It's all well and good to say "Be patient". But common courtesy requires at least ONE SENTENCE on the silverlock.org site indicating:


1) that they have not abandoned the project

2) that they have completed ___% of SKSE64 so far

3) that they now estimate a beta release on ___


Again, common courtesy. They are the ones who posted a mid-March date. Is it really that much to ask for a one sentence update? Can someone with some standing in the community who knows them not contact them and ask what's going on?


I'm very grateful for the work they're doing, but that's not the issue. A one sentence update is by no means an unreasonable request.


With all due respect, they don't have to do any of that, they don't owe anyone anything. They are doing this for free. It has nothing to do with common courtesy. Don't pretend it is.

That said, they did post a date and set expectations. This is usually a pretty big mistake in the software world unless it is internal for production. This thread is evidence of why that is...


bulls***. They publicly announced they were going to release it, that alone gives the community justification to demand updates, especially after they failed to release in the time frame they stated would. For all we know right now they could be doing this for the sole purpose of trolling us and never intended to release SKSE. Defending them by saying they aren't getting paid and what not is being nothing but a milk drinker.


They publicly announced a tentative date for a beta release. Do you understand the underlined words? Whether you believe you're justified to demand updates is irrelevant as they are not obligated to provide them for something that you, nor anyone else, is paying them for. I agree it would be nice, but it is not something they owe you. They are not providing a product or service that you have purchased, they are volunteering their time and effort to create and distribute something, for free. And when or even if they decide to do that is 100% up to them. And if you think they're possibly "doing this for the sole purpose of trolling" you are the one who is completely full of s*** and out of touch and completely lacking perspective with the modding community and the team behind SKSE.

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With respect to the last post by bdip, here is what schlangster (the main developer of SkyUI) posted on this thread a few days ago:



I don't think there has been progress since December. Which is not unsual BTW. Work is usually done in bursts with months of inactivity in between, and more or less autonomously.

My comment regarding whether there would be SkyUI 5 for SE was: "I don't know, but I think it's unlikely." It was just my realistic assessment based on experiences of the last 10 years, and if you go by that, you should assume that it's not going to happen (and be positively surprised if it turns out I was wrong).


And here is what EnaiSiaion (mod author of Apocalypse, Wildcat, Ordinator, and other mods) had to say shortly afterwards:



I just accepted that it's not going to happen.


Given the choice between an unstable Oldrim and hobbled Newrim, I went with neither.


So please don't tell me that we're imagining things. Might I suggest that the cheerleaders on here face the very real possibility that we will get nothing from the silverlock.org team.

Edited by aristotle99
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It's a common trap for any development - engage or don't engage, but pick one. Any time any dev switched from talking to end users to _not_ talking to them friction is the result. And I'm not talking about sticking to release dates, but merely the act of engagement.


Discussing potential milestone points to be hit (like estimating a beta release, for instance) only builds an expectation. For some that is an expectation of concrete release and information (and that is the least reasonable response from an end user, sometimes presenting as foul language, abuse and death threats) for others it may be an expectation that the dev will continue to interact and provide meaningful (as opposed to timed) updates. That last is somewhat reasonable IMO. My personal preference is for continued engagement, but it comes with the sometimes burdensome responsibility of owning the fact that you've started to engage with the end users and to keep that up.


The SKSE team _owe_ nothing, but they have given an expectation of _something_ (not a package, but information).

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May I ask, what mods you all are so eagerly waiting for, that's dependant on SKSE? There's SkyUI of course, but what else is there that's absolutely essential for a Skyrim playthrough?


For me, the texture, weather and graphics mods make the world beautiful. None of them require SKSE.

Things like frosfall, realistic needs and disease, campfire, hunterborn.. Basically all mods that require MCM to set them up.. AND OF COURSE jiggling boobies because this is the only good way to enjoy your brand new ''fighting'' animations! :laugh: :facepalm:




Every one of them is already available in Skyrim SE, except jiggling boobies. Other mods that required an MCM have also found a way around the lack of the same, like Vivid weathers has a spellbook in-game to tune settings.


This is why I asked the question. I wonder if most people who say that Skyrim SE is unplayable without SKSE have actually checked out what is already available. I really don't see the need to put off playing SSE any longer, to wait for SKSE. It doesn't seem to be an essential mod anymore, except for body physics. I doubt you will miss anything in SSE, except the boobs and butt physics.


The amazing stability and improved performance of the game makes Oldrim a no-go. Most major mods from Oldrim have been ported to SE, with or without SKSE. I think people should simply boot up Newrim and have fun playing it, and consider SKSE to be a "good to have" mod if and when it arrives, rather than a "must have" mod without which one cannot play skyrim.

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With respect to the last post by bdip, here is what schlangster (the main developer of SkyUI) posted on this thread a few days ago:



I don't think there has been progress since December. Which is not unsual BTW. Work is usually done in bursts with months of inactivity in between, and more or less autonomously.


My comment regarding whether there would be SkyUI 5 for SE was: "I don't know, but I think it's unlikely." It was just my realistic assessment based on experiences of the last 10 years, and if you go by that, you should assume that it's not going to happen (and be positively surprised if it turns out I was wrong).


And here is what EnaiSiaion (mod author of Apocalypse, Wildcat, Ordinator, and other mods) had to say shortly afterwards:



I just accepted that it's not going to happen.


Given the choice between an unstable Oldrim and hobbled Newrim, I went with neither.


So please don't tell me that we're imagining things. Might I suggest that the cheerleaders on here face the very real possibility that we will get nothing from the silverlock.org team.

Neither of which are on the SKSE team, so I'm not sure what your point is there. I think you misunderstood what I was saying in any case. I never said people couldn't or shouldn't ask questions. As ozoak aptly put above, we are not owed anything, but we were given the expectation of some sort of information or update around the project. By all means, ask for an update or express your pessimism at the project in general. I get it, people are impatient, there was a tentative time set for a beta, there hasn't been an update and that time has passed and some are worried whether it will ever come. It crosses the line for me, however, when people act like they are owed or entitled to SKSE64 in the first place, let alone someone suggesting that the devs said they were working on it with no intent to release it for the "sole purpose to troll." Like I said, I get it, I'm there with you wanting an update at minimum, but at least be reasonable, people.


It's pretty obvious that, at present, the devs are either not reading this thread or have reason or care to post one. Personally, while I of course hope the project will see the light of day and we'll get an update soon, I'll share a similar attitude to those you quoted: It doesn't exist until it exists, I'll assume development has ceased or hit a snag, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if we receive anything at all, whether sooner or later. SKSE team may have set some people up for disappointment with going public and putting a date, but some of that expectation and disappointment (or lack thereof) falls on individuals as well.

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