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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Is there any way we can reach out and help the SKSE Team to share some burdens? I am thinking decent amounts of donations and such. I know money is not everything but it can certainly bring some measure of relief in the team's busy lives and give them some extra motivation knowing the Nexus Community and other like minded people are with them.


Sometimes its the little things that matter most and can make a real difference in peoples lives. I am someone who has benefited greatly over the years with the various iterations of the Script Extenders released by the team so I am all for making at least a fairly decent donation from my end. And I know there are many of you who feel the same.


At least let us show our appreciation this way. I don't know what else to offer! Please let me know what everyone thinks.



These guys are professionals that work in Gaming Industry, any sort of remuneration is kiss of death for their careers. They even refused to name a charity, that could be donated to, in the their name. All they ever ask for, is patience with understanding. One of them even works for Havok, but can't touch or advise on anything Havok related. It against his work place agreement. I hope your seeing bigger picture here... There legal matters at play & afoot. People should stop help offering incentive, to help code, etc, etc. Just let it be. Give them your patience with understanding instead.

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At this point, the thread should be pinned/stickied and closed until they are done, imho.

Agreed. Every time I check back for progress, there's always at least one person on the page asking for updates. Leave it alone people, it'll be done when it's done. Remember, these awesome people are making SKSE for free, and in there spare time. I don't care if it doesn't come out until next year, real life comes before cool projects like this.


Thanks to the SKSE team for all the work you guys have put into the project, it's greatly appreciated!

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Hi there, I work in the Information Security field and have an advanced knowledge of reverse engineering x64-based Windows binaries, as well as object-oriented programming (C++ included). I have reached out to a member of the team multiple times (behippo) on this forum offering assistance, and have gotten no response. I would be very interested in helping take over this project if the original creators are no longer willing or able to contribute. Simply waiting for an indefinite period of time does NOT have to be the only option.



I agree with and hope that you take the project up.


No hard feelings for the old team. I completely understand the reasons they haven't been able to work on it. And I appreciate their past efforts.


But, with this many projects dependent on the system, it really needs to be managed by someone with more regular time to commit.


Sorry if this is a harsh reality check. But, holding onto the project while not moving forward is holding back a huge part of the entire mod community. At this pace, the next Bethesda release will be out or coming out by the time the extenders are done. Then the bulk of modding interest will be on those titles anyway.


What do you need in order to start your own fork? Is it feasible for you to simply start from scratch? The entire API is documented out. So, it's clear what needs to be done...

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There are far better arguments above than mine to show someone that it is more than just a simple matter of "handing it off" to someone else. Badgering the team won't make this happen any quicker. I'm thankful I saved The Witcher Series and FO:NV. Those will keep me plenty busy until SKSE64 is released.


There's is nothing immature or unreasonable about recognizing the limitations of an open source developers time. It's just a matter of practical reality. It's the basis for projects forking into various versions all the time.


These guys don't even have enough time to update the community within 2 months at a time, during a time-frame that they announced an update would be ready. Real life is busy. Fair enough. Nobody is pointing fingers.


But, it's not even clear after Ian's post that it is still going to be worked on. Sorry to get our hopes up for...? The March build? Or, for it to be built at all?


The problem with keeping the project in limbo like this is that it de-motivates others who might be willing and able to do the work instead. "Should I try it? Should I wait since they said they would do it?"



i dont think he meant it in a bad way but if they had more people, modders who have more spare time and are willing to help why not just let them i dont see the harm in it



There isn't any harm or insult in it at all.



i agree i rlly dont care how long it takes them i estimated it would take them around a year to finish it its not like skyrim is the only game in existence and 2017 has had some good games to keeps us occupied



I do care how long it takes. Once a new release is closer to coming out, interest will be more divided and the temptation will be to just not invest into mods for SE or FO4 since better tech is around the corner.


Is there any way we can reach out and help the SKSE Team to share some burdens? I am thinking decent amounts of donations and such. I know money is not everything but it can certainly bring some measure of relief in the team's busy lives and give them some extra motivation knowing the Nexus Community and other like minded people are with them.


The moment that someone starts making profit off of an extender is probably the moment that Bethesda starts sending cease and desist letters.

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The thread is pinned and he answered Friday. This is why they do not update. If a mod can just sticky the 5-6 comments or behippo and or ianpatt's it would likely save time.

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Nevermind I misunderstood


Still their website has a news update




"We are creating SKSE64 for the new 64-bit Special Edition. We appreciate your patience while work continues. Currently we don't have a estimated time frame for a beta release of SKSE64. Above is our latest video update."


It does confirm that work is still being done and given from the posts from devs in this thread regarding how different the mechanisms for how SKSE works, I think its still a ways off.


Unless someone has some sort of sorcerers technique

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