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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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The only thing preventing me from simply moving on to SSE is it not having a complete S.T.E.P project page as several mods there rely on skse. And I'm assuming many mod authors aren't exactly motivated to port their mods (Or even play SSE) unless SKSE64 was available (Even if their mods don't require them).

Some of them could still do modding for Oldrim and other games.

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We should lock this thread, too many lazy trolling posters crying about updates. These people have no clue about the sheer brevity of how big the SKSE project really is. Lock this thread down so when I get post updates, I know they're from hippo and not just some dirty hippy complaining about why they dont have free stuff yet.

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We should lock this thread, too many lazy trolling posters crying about updates. These people have no clue about the sheer brevity of how big the SKSE project really is. Lock this thread down so when I get post updates, I know they're from hippo and not just some dirty hippy complaining about why they dont have free stuff yet.


A whole lot of ad hominem attacks in that one. Also, you might want to look up the definition of the word "brevity".

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The caveat is, from what I've read, the 2 primary devs are unable to accept money because of their real-life jobs, which apparently restricts them from monetary gain for work done using company tools/assets/etc. At least, this is the way I understand it.


SKSE is in a gray area compared to other mods because of the reverse engineering that it does. Arguably, it gives away for free, access to expensive third party technologies like Havok.


I think that Bethesda has been ok with it so far because the improved mods helps them make more sales. But, if someone started to profit from reverse-engineering? They might react differently. That might put them in a conflict with some of their third party contracts as well.



Now, if some modders could just stop wasting time waiting, and go back to making/polishing/updating mods for other games in the meantime... might even help with some players.


That's the thing. I don't have much if any free time these days. So, I don't really want to start down the path of a big time investment in a mod unless I know that the tools will be there to support its completion.


I hear what you are saying. I could downgrade the ideas I've had to not need SKSE64. But, I would just rather use my time on other things if I would be limited to making things that old Skyrim can do better with SKSE.


After reading numerous postings from people who seem to think they can do this "better" or "faster", then why don't they? Unless you are willing to start your own project, quit whining about theirs.


It will come out when it comes out.

They will update people when they do an update.


There is nothing forcing them to work on this, or even keeping us informed.

If you want it sooner, then learn how and do it yourself.


At least since F4 isn't being updated they don't have to work on keeping the extender for that up to date, so that should be one less drain on their time.


"Start your own project. Learn how to do it." There is someone in this thread offering to do just that. It doesn't really make sense for them to start from scratch if the team really is working on SKSE64 at a realistic pace. That's the crux of the problem here. Everyone thinking that the team is going to make SKSE64 de-motivates others from actually making a replacement.


"It will come out when it comes out." Or, maybe it will never come out. SKSE64 not coming out is a problem for a lot of modders. Nothing wrong with modders trying to solve a problem on a modding forum.


Open-source development doesn't need to be and usually is not this vague.



I really don't get why the hole script extender project isn't an github.

If everyone is upset about the amount of effort needed for this to become a thing, sooo? share some of the work seriously! How many poeple are currently working on this? is it even more than a dozen?

Or is Betheftsda the problem? They are aren't they?


That could be. There seems to be mixed messages about this.


At one point, Behippo wrote something along the lines that they had an un-spoken understanding with Bethesda that they would not spread around how to reverse engineer the game. On the other hand, they actually have gone into some detail about the process of reverse engineering the game.


So, maybe they don't post on github because Bethesda wouldn't like it. Or, maybe some other reason. But, at least in writing, they didn't seem resistant to allowing others to help if they knew how. So, not sure why they wouldn't share files/info with nkmutant who has in this thread expressed interest and ability to help move this along.



Some of them could still do modding for Oldrim and other games.


True. But, for me, I had retired Skyrim entirely. I only have renewed interest in the game because of SE improved stability.


We should lock this thread, too many lazy trolling posters crying about updates. These people have no clue about the sheer brevity of how big the SKSE project really is. Lock this thread down so when I get post updates, I know they're from hippo and not just some dirty hippy complaining about why they dont have free stuff yet.


Modding games is a community effort that many people contribute "free stuff" to. A lot of free stuff isn't being made because of this delay. It's possible that some potential projects will never be made.



Also, you might want to look up the definition of the word "brevity".




Or maybe modders can make mods that don't rely on this mod .

The modders have had all this time while they have been waiting for skse x64 to finish they could of stepped up instead putting the burden on skse team :armscrossed:


There is someone offering to get the damned thing done!


It isn't a lack of ability or people raising their hands to work that is in our way.

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Or maybe modders can make mods that don't rely on this mod .

The modders have had all this time while they have been waiting for skse x64 to finish they could of stepped up instead putting the burden on skse team :armscrossed:

The problem is the users. There's limited ways around the lack of SKSE functions, but most aren't really acceptable :/ like menus using powers to open them. Books will only go so far til people start bitching that there being too many books. And yet these are all the same people would probably could not mod themselves out of a wet paper bag. Everything seems to have be done a "convenient" way instead of a way that is at least possible.

Edited by Lisselli
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The only thing preventing me from simply moving on to SSE is it not having a complete S.T.E.P project page as several mods there rely on skse. And I'm assuming many mod authors aren't exactly motivated to port their mods (Or even play SSE) unless SKSE64 was available (Even if their mods don't require them). Unless somebody can provide a decent list of mods that could be labeled "essential" for SSE (And work as a replacement to S.T.E.P), this is where I stand...

I just ran into this page and thought, maybe you might find it useful? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2846/?

I briefly thought of trying it, but as I am VERY new to modding, it seriously intimidated me. :confused: But perhaps, it could work for you?

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I'm with Cliff, lock this thread down. It's just become a whinge thread.


And just because someone has offered to take the reins so to speaks, doesn't mean anything. The sheer amount if experience and info between the silverlock team members that would have to be gained by said new person would equate to a long waiting time anyway, and all it is buying you is a false sense of security that it's going to get done. Always assume the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it comes through, at least in the case of these sorts of things.

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