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Double image


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I uploaded some images for a mod (not my mod) but massed it up and ended uploading the images twice but when I go to manage images it tells me I have not uploaded any images and therefor I can't delete the extra images. so how do I get rid of the extra images?
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The yellow triangle with the ! on it that says report file? I thought that was for reporting that the mod had illegal content or was broken or something. I PMed the mod Unloader and he already deleted the double images but I still can't see the images in my mange image page, do images uploaded for other peoples mods not show up in the mange image page? or is there a premium only thing?
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Yes, unfortunately, you are not able to remove images you've uploaded to other modder's pages. Maybe sometime in the future they will show up in our "Manage ImageShare" links so the people that upload them have full control to remove them.


For now, you'll need to report the mod and specify which image you want removed. Hopefully you added a name with the image when uploaded but if not, you'll need to describe the image if you uploaded more than just the one.



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