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Black patch on some npc's shoulders


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This has usually something to do with a vanilla item that does not have the required cbbe/bodyslide file. Make sure you have the right file( they usually come in vanilla/evb/janebod and of cause cbbe, the one you need), + an eventual cbbe/bodyslide patch for said item.


It is time well spend learning what and how many texture/mesh files that are needed to make a full body,(around 6 files in all if i remember correctly, and where they are at on your computer.


When using cbbe you should always keep a fresh unaltered set of meshes and textures if things get weird , then simply overwrite and begin fresh. And never ever use the save function in the bodyslide studio, just stick to the presets..


Also, some vanilla clothing items that comes "pre installed" in awckr just gives you that black patch no matter what you do, i'm not sure what is going on with that but i think some items was simply not made with cbbe in mind, Or you need some obscure patch that only covers like 3 dresses and a scarf.

Edited by Arneercool
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