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Huge FPS Drops


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Hi! This issue seemed to start after the last update, and my Skyrim has become unplayable ever since. I will be walking around town at about 45-50 fps, and then it drops down to 1 or 2 fps and I have to alt tab to fix it. But it will revert back to that in usually 30 seconds. I first thought it was something I downloaded, but like I said, I've had pretty much the same thing before the last patch. I've even tried it with a clean Data folder and it still persists. I've disabled Vsync in both Skyrim and CCC, with no change.


Some computer specs.


Intel Core i5 760 @ 2.80GHz


Radeon 6850 HD

I run at 1920x1080 resolution, with everything but shadows on ultra.


I've reinstalled and still the same thing :/


I just want to play again! Dx

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Its just the 6000 series AMD cards (and don't get me started on their 'crossfire' support update :facepalm:) . I had it running perfectly with the original patch and a unofficial amd fix, but that doesn't work anymore (since patch 1.1). The recent 11.12 driver update helped a bit but I am still hurting in the FPS department. I was running it perfectly fluidly on ultra w/1920x1080p resolution with my laptop, but I have since toned it down a bit (ultra settings with no aa, x16 filtering and FXAA+medium shadows). I wouldn't get too stressed about it, just keep your fingers crossed that there is some better support for our cards. Oh, and apparently you are not supposed to disable v.sync with this game as it messes up the games clock or something. The recent update disabled the .ini edit from working anyways though.
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  On 1/8/2012 at 6:13 AM, BeyondTom said:

Its just the 6000 series AMD cards (and don't get me started on their 'crossfire' support update :facepalm:) . I had it running perfectly with the original patch and a unofficial amd fix, but that doesn't work anymore (since patch 1.1). The recent 11.12 driver update helped a bit but I am still hurting in the FPS department. I was running it perfectly fluidly on ultra w/1920x1080p resolution with my laptop, but I have since toned it down a bit (ultra settings with no aa, x16 filtering and FXAA+medium shadows). I wouldn't get too stressed about it, just keep your fingers crossed that there is some better support for our cards. Oh, and apparently you are not supposed to disable v.sync with this game as it messes up the games clock or something. The recent update disabled the .ini edit from working anyways though.


Well that doesn't make me very hopeful Dx With it like it is, I can't even play. I'm currently redownloading the game anyways >->


I had updated my drivers and it didn't fix the huge drops. :/

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  On 1/8/2012 at 6:20 AM, treetripping said:
  On 1/8/2012 at 6:13 AM, BeyondTom said:

Its just the 6000 series AMD cards (and don't get me started on their 'crossfire' support update :facepalm:) . I had it running perfectly with the original patch and a unofficial amd fix, but that doesn't work anymore (since patch 1.1). The recent 11.12 driver update helped a bit but I am still hurting in the FPS department. I was running it perfectly fluidly on ultra w/1920x1080p resolution with my laptop, but I have since toned it down a bit (ultra settings with no aa, x16 filtering and FXAA+medium shadows). I wouldn't get too stressed about it, just keep your fingers crossed that there is some better support for our cards. Oh, and apparently you are not supposed to disable v.sync with this game as it messes up the games clock or something. The recent update disabled the .ini edit from working anyways though.


Well that doesn't make me very hopeful Dx With it like it is, I can't even play. I'm currently redownloading the game anyways >->


I had updated my drivers and it didn't fix the huge drops. :/


tree the 1.3.10 patch killed frame rates for a lot of people. It if highly possible that the problem is the game not your computer. The game is not even playable for me thanks to their new patch. The game worked better in vanilla mode, sadly I cannot go back to that because I downloaded the game from steam.

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Oh, I meant the 6000 series cards are not getting along with Skyrim :tongue: . Any card in the 68xx/69xx series should most likely be getting 45fps+ on ultra settings. I also thought the game was perfect with the older AMD drivers+ first release skyrim with the atiumdag.dll fix. All there 'better performance with Skyrim' drivers don't really do anything for performance :laugh: . We are out of luck for now. All I can say is check for new drivers regularly and hope for the best.
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Just to give you guys some feedback.

I've got a 6870 and the game is running fine for me, playing on high-ultra. (EDIT: Forgot to mention my resolution, it's 1920x1080)

I have the 12.1 drivers and I'm using 2K HD and some minor texture mods (With minor, I mean all misc items, potions, animals, armor, clothing and weapons), together with the Acceleration Layer mod (TesVal).

Also running in windowed mode with SBW, the loading screens freeze sometimes for a minute, but that's ok. I didn't do any major .ini tweaking, only performance increasing tweaks like allowing more cells to be in the cache etc.

My FPS is around 45+ mostly, 35-ish in crowded areas. TesVal really helped, and I will try Sky Boost and see if it increases FPS too.



It probably won't help, but here are my CCC settings:

AA - Use application settings, standard, morphological filtering off

AF- Use application settings

Tessellation - AMD optimized

Catalyst AI - Performance, Surface format optimization enabled

VSync - Off, unless app specifies

AA mode- Multi-sample

Triple Buffering - On

Edited by Iv000
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Ahh, well. I downloaded Skyrim again, got the 12.1 drivers, started up with no mods installed and now I can't even get to the part where my FPS drops because it freezes and then alt-tabs itself.


I just... I don't even. I even put in skyboost, which had my FPS at a straight 60 before it froze after 15 seconds.


EDIT: After putting it in Windowed mode, I got a little pop up saying that my display driver failed and successfully recovered right when it froze. Oh good, more problems.

Edited by treetripping
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After rolling back my drivers, I've played in both Windowed and Fullscreen mode. I also turned off AF and AA in Skyrim and turned it on on my video card. So far no FPS drops, no crashes.


I'm still mod free, and I'm a bit scared to put any back in >->

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