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Switching Sides/ Reset Civil War Mod


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  • 5 months later...

Actually the mod to do this already exist, it is called "savegame"


Yes, mr. smarty pants, I do have a save game, but I want all the other quests i've completed to stay completed and all my relations with people to stay the same, and most importantly: player stats.. heard of those? ah who am I kidding of course mr. smarty pants heard of player stats in skyrim, mr. smarty pants is smart! he knows alotta $hit!

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No offense, I doubt theres gonna be a mod like that, because it just wouldnt make sense, Stormcloaks, and Imperials are two different groups. and each have their different perks, thats the way its supposed to be. but if you switch sides mid quest, or even afterword,id be the same as being a traitor to your cause, Your old comrades should hate you, and the Imperial would still want you dead, So.. switching sides and keeping everyone loving you.. wouldnt make much sense would it?
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