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So why did Alduin decide to attack Helgen?


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I think that Alduin could sense your dragonblood as you are also one of Akatosh's dragon creations. After flying as fast as he could away from Paarthurnax, he went to where he sensed the dragonblood was. (The reason why they didn't fight is because Paarthurnax knew that only the dragonborn could stop Alduin anyway and Alduin was confused and the last thing he remembered was being in unimaginable pain at the exact same spot). When he came to Helgen, he saw that the dragonblood he was sensing wasn't inside a dragon. He quickly realised that you must be Dovahkiin. He probably didn't realise that you were being executed so he used Unrelenting Force to knock you to the ground. He then flew over for a bit and thought that you were dead when you suddenly got up and ran after Ralof. Knowing where you went, he went to the tower and destroyed a large part of it to try and get to you. When you escaped the tower and ran over to Hadvar, he went to that part of Helgen too. When you were with Hadvar, you were also surrounded by lots of other people(and since dragons probably can't tell the difference well between different humans like can't tell the difference between one blue whale and another, one turtle and another etc.) so Alduin got confused and aimed at the wrong person every now and then but he was aiming for you often and if you weren't moving so fast, he'd have hit you a lot. When you escaped Helgen, he knew that it would be really hard for he alone to track you down so he went off to resurrect other dragons. He had a couple of opportunities to kill you but since he had to resurrect the other dragons, he ignored you. When you learned dragonrend, it was a unpleasant surprise for him and he knew that he had to kill you before you became really powerful. After you defeated him, he fled to Sovngarde to feast on the souls and heal but before he had healed, you came along and attacked him while he was weak and unsuspecting.
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The attack on Helgen was a display of power. He came out of the Time Wound, and sensed that there was another Dovah nearby. There's no telling exactly how long he felt he'd been adrift in the currents of time. It could have felt like centuries, or it could have felt like the blink of an eye. All he knew was that he was disoriented, and that the Dovah presence he felt nearby wasn't one of his followers. He first flew over to investigate, to locate the source of that presence. When he saw nothing but humans, he knew that what he felt had to be a Dovahkiin, his arch-nemesis. He burned Helgen to the ground to challenge the legendary dragonslayer, to show the power of his Thu'um. He then flew off, basically saying "catch me if you can, you wingless worm".


Later, he was presented with many opportunities to slay the Dragonborn himself. But he didn't perceive that mortal as a threat, so he decided that he would rather wait around and let his lackeys destroy them - because he felt that they were better suited for his underlings. Dirt under his talons, essentially.


But they couldn't crush the Dovahkiin. Try as they might, the lesser dovah just couldn't kill them. One by one, the dragonborn slayed them. Devoured their souls. Grew stronger. As the slayer's power grew, he sent more and more, stronger, and stronger yet. But all to no avail.


And then, just as his frustration was growing to a head, he felt the one thing he knew would surely mean his downfall - the Dovahkiin, that low, filthy mortal, had tapped into the Tiid-Ahron, the Time Wound. He felt the presence of the Elder Scroll, and knew it could only mean one thing - his nemesis had looked beyond the veil, and had discovered the ancient secret of the Banishers, the mortals who first cast him adrift in time. The Dragonborn, without a doubt, had learned the Dragonrend Shout.


The World-Eater knew he had to move quickly, lest this bastard of a mortal try to kill him once and for all. Then, and ONLY then, does he see the Dovahkiin as a real threat.


[forgive the long post, I've been in a deep, reflective mood tonight]

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I love this thread. Unfortunately I can't post an opinion because mine is similar to many that are already here. Great thinking guys!


Regarding the "plot hole" -- I think BGS was testing our manual intelligence. They do it more than we think, although only the ones who begin to question actually realise this.


There are many possible explanations as to why Alduin destroyed Helgen. There's no hole in the ingenious plot. We just need to use our imaginations, keep to the lore, and voila. Reasons.


Alduin is a very enigmatic character. You never even figure out how he feels about his "world eating" role. The Dragonborn is given the ability to think for him/herself. The Dragonborn has opinions, even though he/she is bound to the prophecy. What does Alduin think? If we knew that for sure, maybe this question would be easier to answer.


If Alduin is as arrogant as most say, he may have been disappointed and left the Dragonborn out of pride. But what about the prophecy? He knows about it, doesn't he? He wouldn't have simply disregarded the Dragonborn if he knew that he/she was destined to kill him in the end.


He obviously knew the Dragonborn was there, as he said "Dovahkiin" during the escape from Helgen. Maybe he figured "oh let's just burn down the whole place and that'll be the end of it." But if he sensed the presence of the Dragonborn beforehand, I can only assume he'd still sense the Dragonborn afterwards and realise that he didn't finish the job.


It remains a mystery.

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I thought it was confirmed somewhere that Alduin was trying to kill you. Ironically, if he'd been a few seconds later, he might have succeeded.


Prophesy is a little more complicated than that. It is Alduin's destiny to consume the world. It's unavoidable. He's done it many times before, and he will do it again. It's the only reason he even exists.


However, the Divines have a vested interest in this particular Kalpa. Maybe because it's the last, maybe because it's the first one that has actually produced results (CHIM), we don't really know. Regardless, because of this, they have scattered 'get out of jail free' cards everywhere. Likely, one of them is the reason Alduin strove to rule instead of just eating the world. The Dragonborn is another one.


These serve to keep the current Kalpa going, for good or for ill. Anyway, the point is, Alduin's purpose, his entire existence, is eating the world. Because of the prophesy, he can't do that until he faces off, and wins against a Dragonborn. If he had been late to Helgen, and you had died, he would have had to stick around and wait for another Dragonborn to rear its head before he could actually do his job.

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What if Alduin attacked Helgen because he thought that Miraak was there? I mean, the only Dragonborn he ever could have encountered was Miraak since all subsequent ones (Ysmir, Talos) came after his Timebreak banishment. I know that he knew that Miraak was probably banished, but he probably also suspected that Miraak would escape at some point.


He sensed a Dragonborn and believing it to be Miraak, immediately headed there. What he found probably shocked him. But in the introduction sequence, he clearly looks right at you and says, "Dovahkiin" before summoning a meteor storm and hitting the executioner with Unrelenting Force.

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That is an interesting point. He may have been expecting Miraak rather than a half naked peasant about to be executed. It may also explain why he flew around instead of just killing you, thinking it was some kind of trick and that Miraak was lurking somewhere near.

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