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Adventurers use bags and cloaks


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I entered a dungeon and noticed something wrong with my toon. I had my weapons, my armor... but thats it.


I think my toon looks odd without traveling gear.


Traveling cloak - For those who played Daggerfall will recognize where Im going with this. I would love to have cloak with some heavy fur at the top of it for my nord. I know movement would be hard to animate but I can dream.


Bags - I have noticed satchels and knapsacks lying around in Skyrim and thought it would be great to have one of those modded into a backpack. Add some straps and set it on the toons back and viola. It could be craftable, pieces of leather and some leather straps. Some other versions could add a pickaxe on it and a sleeping roll. For the sleeping roll, Ive notice rolls of carpet in the game. That graphic could be shortened and re-colored to look like a bedroll or even a roll of horse hide.

Also, the backpack could help with the weight carried issue. It could mimic a piece of gear that has fortify carry weight on it, adding an extra 50 or so pound limit.

Apocrathy satchels attached at the waist and shoulder strap book bags for... well books. These could modify weight somewhat as well.


It would be awesome if a modder out there could throw this together, but my plan is to learn how to mod. I dont know the first thing about it so no clue on when I would be able to do something like this, but I think this would be a great mod. Honestly, a little surprised its not here already.

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A good idea, but I think it would make the character apparence too "heavy" and less cool :tongue: !!

I agree with cloaks, but I'm not sure about bags...

Edited by Malcom86
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The fellow who made this mod has a stand-alone satchel/pack thing included in the mesh of the imperial heavy armor:




So, it has been done, likely to get standalone non-replacer versions we'll need to wait for the CK. Though, that wouldn't stop you from opening the mesh from above and adding it to your most used armor. (male only though)


As for a cape, Prometheus_ts has made one that attaches to an amulet of Talos:


Edited by KaptTorbjorn
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I would love that the cloaks looks like the ones on Game Of Thrones(http://www.reviewaddicts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Eddard-Stark.jpg), like really heavy, it looks like it really protects you from bad weather, and i think the traveller things should go on the horse, it would be awesome, but not infinite carry for the horse!




Sorry for my sucky english!

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