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Immersive Type Armor for SE That Fits a Female Character Model


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Does anyone know of an actual "immersive" type armor that fits female characters for Skyrim SE? Far be it from me to judge those who want the barely there outfits for the plastic looking. I just happen to enjoy Skyrim....as it was intended. I'm so bummed the author of Immersive Armors didn't make a few pieces that actually fit the female model. The stuff in there just looks odd on the female, bulky. All the other mods are not lore-friendly at all.


*Fingers crossed* Help! :(


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It depens what kind of armor do you prefer - light/heavy - made of steel or leather? Natural or soldier like styles?


I play all character types, but my favorite is the archer/thief/assassin...so light armor.



But I just started a mage, and I'm LOVING it. :) So cloth too.

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