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Preexisting lights, NOT WORKSHOP LIGHTS, sporadically lose emittance and just glow. Biggest offender is Red Rocket.


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Every search result is polluted by the GD Workshop bug. I can't get a clean hit on anything else. This is not that bug.


This happens.


You can see that there's verrrry faint emittance hitting the walls - the bulbs themselves show a dull glow, but the light source isn't turned off completely, there is a tiny amount of light being cast to a small area around them.


Also the overhead light in the garage area; and the office; and lots of other places. Preexisting light sources that are part of the area before I get there. I have no mods that affect Red Rocket, so I don't know why it suffers this glitch more often than anywhere else, but it's annoying. I like a lot of the already-placed lights in various places.


I've seen this happen in Starlight, too. For any player-constructed items, I'm not surprised they can be somewhat unstable, but... the static lights?


I don't know anything about meshing, models, niffing, or whatever you artist kids call these things, so I'm completely mystified.

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So this is a Vanilla bug, and not something I've managed to accomplish myself with a mod somewhere? Thanks, that's good to know, so I don't go banging my head against my load order. Oh well. Maybe Bethesda will come back after the holidays and release bug fixes for this profitable game of theirs! And then we'll all flap our arms and fly to Mars!

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That seems like an odd side effect, unless their purpose is to make fire the only reliable light source in the game..? Don't have it, though.


If it was something consistent, I'd be more inclined to think it's a mod. But I can leave the cell, and go back, and all the lights are fine. Or half of them. Or none of them. Or a different combination each time. o.O

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That seems like an odd side effect...()...

Yes, seems highly unlikely since the mod is a flame/fire texture replacer (no plug-in) and was ported from a mod for Skyrim. But with the mod installed I have the issue with all electrical vanilla lights and when I uninstall the mod everything's back to normal...


But, regarding your own problemos, have you fiddled with settings in either GPU software or game-settings? Your issue, since it doesn't occur all the time and not with every light in the immediate surroundings, it could be influenced by the angle at which you look at things. And that has me thinking it can be related to settings like ambient occlusion and/or some such...

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