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[LE] Failed modding attempt causes in-game lag and internet slowdown


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Something I did in the CK is causing my game and my internet to lag. So far I haven't been able to find any answers for the problem elsewhere online, or even find anyone who has experienced the same problem. I'm hoping you guys can help me out. Keep in mind, I am still relatively new to modding and VERY new to creating mods, so I may end up asking for clarification on certain terms or instructions.




Just got the newest version of CK yesterday. Attempted to make a standalone follower based on an in-game character using Darkfox127's YouTube tutorial. Succeeded in creating the file, but it would not appear in the Data Files for me to activate when I started up the game launcher. Thought maybe I'd saved it to the wrong place, so I tried moving the file to a spot in my Data folder (by dragging and dropping, which in hindsight may not have been the smartest move). File still wouldn't show up, so I tabled the project for the night and opened up Skyrim to play around for a bit. Skyrim worked fine.


This morning, I attempt to start up Skyrim again and encounter extreme delays at every single loading screen. There's horrible in-game lag, it CTDs after a while, and there's an awful buzzing coming from my speakers that only exists while the game is up. In addition, my internet speed has gone down; any page I try to load online or action I attempt to do in the Nexus Mod Manager takes longer than it should.


I had a situation like this once before, when I installed Dual Sheath Redux incorrectly; in that case I was able to uninstall and then re-install it the proper way, and everything on my PC went back to normal. This time, I haven't downloaded anyone else's mod and I don't know how to fix the issue.


Can anyone help with this? I don't know where else to find an answer.

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