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Worst part in dark brotherhood?


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I hated that even if you figured out that you were getting the wrong orders, you couldn't really do anything.


If you look closely in the boxing khajit's house, you can find his friggin black hand robe.


You can even tell by the letters themselves. They start using lesser quality paper and are written in a different handwriting. The orders also tend to become alot more rambling with lots of insults directed at who is to die. Lucien never showed his emotions in his letters.


Another thing I hate though is how Arquen remains unpunished. She and the other black hand members were stupid enough to think that killing Lucien would solve everything, even though they had no proof (hereby breaking one of the tenets). Then she confidently and gleefully announces to the Night Mother that the threat is gone, before being rebuked by her obviously...


Therefore I wish you could just eliminate her and replace her with someone that has an IQ higher than that of a rock.

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I didn't enjoy purifying the sanctuary, but (when all is said and done) you signed up to be a cold blooded murderer. If you can't carry out orders, and you don't have to join, just use the dagger to despatch ghosts until you get a better weapon. To you folk who resurrect people, you still killed them initially didn't you - LOL, you think that makes it all okay? :biggrin:


Yeah, what a dreadful end to the quest line though, 200 septims, and to top it all - no more Luck bonus from the statue. Mind you, all the main quests end ridiculously IMHO.

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I think what makes the Purification sad is the fact that it is blunt and ineffective tool against the traitor, which seems out of character for the organization since you are rewarded extra for killing the target with stealth and cunning.


Dealing with the traitor is what makes the Dark Brotherhood annoying at times, especially since you have to go through with those quest and cannot spend time and investigate and bypass the sad aspects. I think the only reason that these things seem sad is because you assumed when you signed up that you would be killing non-members, especially when some of the members you kill are useful.

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i hate how you couldn't try a more evil or good approach to the questline. I can think of a possiblity for each:

Evil: you become the traitor, kill the entire black hand, and take control of the order yourself! (probably some flaw with the lore, but i butcher lore whenever i can)

Good: you side with that retiring imperial officer (audens somethingorother) and take down the dark brotherhood. rewards could be found on the bodies of the members of the order.

oh, and the fact that the kajiit is a *** to you for most of the questline, then he becomes my personal suckup? I DON'T THINK SO *12-gauge*

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Lucien, Purification, and Baenlin. Lucien was awesome, Purfication made the sanctuary dead (ha!), and Baenlin was replaced by his arrogant nephew, and turned his body guard into a mess. I killed the old man's nephew in his sleep. Then stole his gold. I sometimes live in his house.


For the people that hate the purification, look up the Whispered Warnings mod. Well, for the PC people. :P Best part is that you can still kill whoever you hate, and save everyone else.

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Sad part!?? WTF?! It's not sad! It's all fun (bar crappy statue talk and boring replacemnets, that suck ass so bad, one got killed by a clanfear because I couldn't be bothered to save his sorry ass and was enjoying watching him die). Fave is the skooma-head, it's the closest you get to killing a child (Friends? no I want to bathe in your blood and eat your heart, then mount your head on a wall. Shame you can't say that. I also like Summitmist manor, Ex legion guy I left until last and he was like "Oh my god scum, you're like so dead, I was in the legion so I can definetly kill you, I'm gay umanumanuma" So i wanted to say " You're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dead. I'm going to steal everything you've got because then when they find your rotting remains your scummy inbred family won't be able to claim the armour so they might finally have some money and your mum could give up prostitution. You see this sword, yeah nice isn't it, it's called Umbra, you may of heard of it, and it wants your soul. MMM tasty, Now die so I can make pie from your liver and sell it to poor people." :biggrin: :thumbsup: :biggrin: :thumbsup: :biggrin: :thumbsup:
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