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Reviewing games from a cinematic perspective


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I have started to review games as a hobby. I have a degree in film making, so I decided I would apply this perspective to games.


My target audience is really those people who value story above all else, as such, I don't really talk about gameplay and I don't even RATE gameplay.


I DO rate gameplay/story balance, so that people know if a game is a glorified quicktime event or (the opposite) a full blown game with no narrative substance.


I would love lots of feedback, thanks!


Please Note! I am mostly reviewing MATURE games, so if you are under 18, PLEASE ask a parent or guardian before watching these reviews. As most of them will be M or PEGI 18.





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I like the idea.

I've listened to your Red Faction review, it's good, really good in fact.

Continue like that and you'll do fine. :thumbsup:


I heard you were talking about Mass Effect, I'm guessing that you will do a review of it too. I highly recommend you to review both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. They are excellent in story, cinematic cutscenes and dialogue. Though the gameplay feels a bit shallow in the first one. It's improved in the second game, though it's still shallow compared to the story.


I also highly recommend The Witcher 2. Same as Mass Effect, amazing story, cinematics and dialogue, though it does allow for more choices storywise and it's got superior gameplay.

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I like the idea.

I've listened to your Red Faction review, it's good, really good in fact.

Continue like that and you'll do fine. :thumbsup:


I heard you were talking about Mass Effect, I'm guessing that you will do a review of it too. I highly recommend you to review both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. They are excellent in story, cinematic cutscenes and dialogue. Though the gameplay feels a bit shallow in the first one. It's improved in the second game, though it's still shallow compared to the story.


I also highly recommend The Witcher 2. Same as Mass Effect, amazing story, cinematics and dialogue, though it does allow for more choices storywise and it's got superior gameplay.


I have that and am yet to play it, will make sure to fraps it all the way and put up a review!

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Games just aren't at that point yet. There is still too much movie envy and over-use of cinematic to tell the story instead of through things in the game. Give it another 4-5 years.


About the only ones that come to mind as being close are games like Bastion, which have relatively few cinematics or cutscenes and use the game itself to tell the story.

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Games just aren't at that point yet. There is still too much movie envy and over-use of cinematic to tell the story instead of through things in the game. Give it another 4-5 years.


About the only ones that come to mind as being close are games like Bastion, which have relatively few cinematics or cutscenes and use the game itself to tell the story.


Well as someone who has sat through more film lectures then I care to mention. I actually see many games as being superior to film narrative in many respects.


People just don't take games as seriously because they are real time CGI, which looks a lot sloppier then your typical CGI movie, live action film or animation.


Storywise, there are some corkers out there though.


I'm thinking of sticking to purely story driven games though now, it didn't seem much point doing red faction to some of the people I have feedback from, as its kind of obvious the story is going to be straightforward and I say this in the first few lines.


Might focus on more top-tier narrative games.

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People just don't take games as seriously because they are real time CGI, which looks a lot sloppier then your typical CGI movie, live action film or animation.

Not really the point I was making.


It's easy to tell a story through CGI and cutscenes, and to view those in the same light as movies because that is essentially what those scenes are replicating, movies. It's also easy for the game to tell the story through text since this is essentially making it like a novel or book.


It's harder for a game to tell the story through the actual game. This is where games are not quite there yet. Games, as a different form of media, are experienced differently from both a book and a movie in that they are living and interactive experiences. You can still apply film or literary theory terms and concepts, but you have to look at them for what they are, not for what they imitate. This is also different from looking at them from a mechanical gameplay perspective. The CGI and cutscenes are part of it for those things that are not easy to do with live action, but you need to look at the whole picture.

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People just don't take games as seriously because they are real time CGI, which looks a lot sloppier then your typical CGI movie, live action film or animation.

You can still apply film or literary theory terms and concepts, but you have to look at them for what they are, not for what they imitate. This is also different from looking at them from a mechanical gameplay perspective.


I completely agree. I am planning on reviewing to the moon, which has no real "cinematic" immitations, but it still will fit the critiques I make well, thanks to it's emphasis on story and atmosphere.


Just like books and films, the narrative can be judged by how it is presented and the techniques used to convey it.

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You Forgot Skyrim has no cutscenes at all, its all rendered in real time, and also noting the radiant ai.




I don't know why they advertised the Radiant AI, there's some emergant gameplay for sure, but I'd actualy chalk Skyrim AI up as one of the dumbest I've seen in a next gen AAA game, especialy compared to Halo or Crysis Warhead AI.


BTW Choco, good work, keep it up mate.

Edited by Vindekarr
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