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NifSkope to Blender issue


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Ok, I have gotten a mesh into blender by messing around with the Nif file. I changed the user versions, deleted the BSlightshaderproperty, and deleted the Alphaproperty. I'm importing the impiral curass F_1 incase it matters. It Does load into Blender, but with Python Script Error (below). Is this going to effect any importing?


EDIT: I also have the CBBE body replacer mod. Dont know if that effects anything.


Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.5 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.1.5)

pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_mergeskeletonroots ---

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [CuirassMedium_1.nif] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_sendgeometriestobindposition ---

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [CuirassMedium_1.nif] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: sending geometries to bind position

pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_senddetachedgeometriestonodeposition ---

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [CuirassMedium_1.nif] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: sending detached geometries to node position

pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_sendbonestobindposition ---

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [CuirassMedium_1.nif] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: sending bones to bind position

pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_scale ---

pyffi.toaster:INFO: scaling by factor 0.100000

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [CuirassMedium_1.nif] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriShape [cuirasschain_1] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriShapeData [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSDismemberSkinInstance [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinData [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinPartition [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriShape [FemaleUnderwearBodyLightArmor] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriShapeData [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSDismemberSkinInstance [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinData [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinPartition [] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC Pelvis [Pelv]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC Spine [spn0]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L Thigh [LThg]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R Thigh [RThg]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC Spine1 [spn1]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC Spine2 [spn2]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R Clavicle [RClv]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R UpperArm [RUar]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R UpperarmTwist1 [RUt1]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R UpperarmTwist2 [RUt2]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L Clavicle [LClv]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L UpperArm [LUar]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L UpperarmTwist1 [LUt1]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L UpperarmTwist2 [LUt2]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtFBone01] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtFBone02] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtFBone03] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtBBone01] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtBBone02] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtBBone03] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtLBone01] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtLBone02] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtLBone03] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtRBone01] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtRBone02] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [skirtRBone03] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L Pauldron] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R Pauldron] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L Calf [LClf]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R Calf [RClf]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R Forearm [RLar]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R ForearmTwist1 [RLt1]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC R ForearmTwist2 [RLt2]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L Forearm [LLar]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L ForearmTwist1 [LLt1]] ~~~

pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [NPC L ForearmTwist2 [LLt2]] ~~~

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_commo

n.py", line 1227, in gui_button_event


File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_commo

n.py", line 1579, in gui_exit


File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 3750, in config_callback

importer = NifImport(**config)

File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 274, in __init__


File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 352, in import_root

b_obj = self.import_branch(root_block)

File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 543, in import_branch

n_child, b_armature=b_armature, n_armature=n_armature)

File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 439, in import_branch

b_obj = self.import_mesh(niBlock)

File "C:\Apps\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py

", line 2348, in import_mesh


File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\xml\enum.py", line 120

, in set_value

raise ValueError('invalid enum value (%i)' % val)

ValueError: invalid enum value (32)

Edited by cecil101
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is there any information availiable to determine if this effects the export process?


EDIT: Also, I am having issues with importing body meshes. (im trying to redo the imperial armor for CBBE body)

EDIT: I got the CBBE Body into blender.

Edited by cecil101
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Import and save files as .obj in Blender. Then import the .obj into NifSkope. You may or may not need throttlekitty's nif.xml (google it) and I highly suggest you use the newest version of NifSkope (1.1.0 rc4 available on the NifTools website).


Listen to Ghogiel.

Edited by MShoap13
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this is a skinned outfit though.


Any sort of editing, why else import it into Blender.., will invalidate the existing skin instance. Obj does not store skin weights, meaning faffng with obj at all is kinda pointless, for 1 you will not be able to import the skeleton, you will strip the rigging off if you export from nifskope to obj, and even if you had it in scene, edited, and rigged, exporting it from there as an obj will not take the skinning with it.

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Ok, so obj is out lol...

I got the CBBE body and the curass into blender. I'm just trying to figure out if this error is going to come back to byte me when I try to export...


In case anyone was wondering... I'm flying blind here, this is my first time messing with any kind of modding... I hardly know how to use blender so i'm not sure of it's capabilltes in that maybe it will be able to redo anything that failed load as a resault of this error.

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