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Modding scene not dead?


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  On 2/3/2017 at 6:37 AM, Moksha8088 said:

The character Audrey in Tales from the Commonwealth is rather interesting.


Aubrey is a very interesting character. Curious about who voiced her. She did a great job!! I had to delete her though because she wouldn't dismiss for me. I'm sorry I did that now. I think Beth should have made Virgil, in the Glowing Sea, a companion. He certainly would have been better than Strong. :cool:


I would have thrown in a Child of Atom character- You know- one with a crises of faith or something and a gambling addiction. :laugh:


Better yet ! I would make Cait and Piper HATE each other and constantly fight!! Now that would be entertaining!!! :devil:

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  On 1/27/2017 at 4:53 PM, Moksha8088 said:

Like having Inigo shoot you in the head due to his skooma addiction and being rescued by the robot Victor in the Goodsprings Cemetery and taken to old Doc Mitchell to be patched up right as rain.  Then suddenly finding yourself tied-up on a wagon bound for Helgen, where you are to be beheaded along with Jarl Ulfric of Windhelm. Wait a minute, did I forget the part about following the Emperor of Cyrodiil through a long maze of tunnels before escaping?  Doesn't matter, because we Bethesda fans were free to let our minds wander.  Just as long as we met Willow by the tent next to the overpass and bumped into Vilja in the Bannered Mare and agreed to help both of them retrieve their stolen items.  That set us on the path to victory were we could eventually defeat Alduin at the Hoover Dam.

THIS game would make me play again especially if you could go into the Hoover Dam battle with Pack Raiders and a few Reiklings by your side. Damn, that would be some fun stuff.

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One thing that's a pain in the butt when it comes to modding? Armorsmith being a required mod for so many clothing mods on console. I don't understand this one: it's for the armorsmith workbench, but that crafting bench is actually included in AWKCR by itself, and that base master doesn't completely overhaul the armor system. To my knowledge AWKCR was supposed to be the standard framework, and yet it now has this massive chaser just so folks can use some (admittedly very nicely done) armor mods. In effect, And on the modding end because it's becoming a standard for players due to this, various changes to armor and whatnot become overridden.


Sorry if I rambled a bit there, it can just be frustrating when you've been asked for the 50th time why so-and-so didn't work because of it or why so-and-so isn't just like that.

Edited by Kung Fu Man
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I NEVER want to be stuck in that exploration Combat Gathering Loop ever again. That I f*#@ing hated, and that's the core of the game. On the other hand: the Fallout Classic Weapons pack for Fallout 4 is in development, it's called the Wasteland Overhaul:


They need a better name for it, but it's what I've been waiting for. Not here, but coming and with progress.

I'm also kinda hopeful for Fallout Cascadia

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To be honest, the Creation kit hasn't even been out for a year yet, and there are already a good amount of mods. i'd wager, that by December this year, nexus will be irradiated by a lot of good mods. I think a lot of the people complaining, started playing modded Skyrim, a couple years after the game came out, and were overjoyed by the massive amount of mods.

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Don't forget also that FO4 has some rather steep system requirements vs FO3/NV and even Skyrim. I can happily play Skyrim, and use the CK, but I can't play FO4 or use the FO4 GECK.


So i'm stuck modifying crap and making stuff in BS/OS/PDN, without being able to actually put it into the game or upload it as a mod, until I can afford to upgrade my computer.


And Bugthesda still hasn't said when exactly they will stop supporting the game or rolling out patches. The latest one F'd up several things for many people, and that discourages large scale modifications from being created.

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  On 2/19/2017 at 3:12 PM, Perraine said:

Don't forget also that FO4 has some rather steep system requirements vs FO3/NV and even Skyrim. I can happily play Skyrim, and use the CK, but I can't play FO4 or use the FO4 GECK.


So i'm stuck modifying crap and making stuff in BS/OS/PDN, without being able to actually put it into the game or upload it as a mod, until I can afford to upgrade my computer.


And Bugthesda still hasn't said when exactly they will stop supporting the game or rolling out patches. The latest one F'd up several things for many people, and that discourages large scale modifications from being created.


I am well below system requirements for FO4 and struggle to keep a playable framerate. Its a huge pain. But, I bare with it until I can afford a better setup. I have a mod addiction as well and that doesn't help much. *Sigh* :nuke:

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