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Game Freezes at Saves


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When I go thru doors where the game exits play and goes to an auto save, it locks up on me and I have to use task manager to shut it down and then restart it. It is fine until the next time I change scenes.


Below is attached the screen shot of all the mods I have installed (when I start FOMM) and the a ss of my system specs.


Hopefully you experts can tell me where I screwed up

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You need to download and install B.O.S.S. and get your load order in proper shape. Also, Fallout 3.esm must load first with the DLC's following. After that, the other esm's than esp's. I suprised the game even starts with that load order.

Also, you CPU does not meet the minimum requirements to properly run Fallout. I'm not familiar with the AMD GPU but I don't think the one you have is adequate either.

Edited by M48A5
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Go to http://www.fallout3nexus.com. At the top of the page is a search window. Type into the search window, BOSS and left click the magnifying glass icon on the right. This will take you to another screen where you can left click on the entry "BOSS". This will take you to the screen that has the downloadable files. Also, please read the system requirements that came with your game discs. Your CPU does not meet the minimum requirements to properly run the game.

And, read the description page before you download the application. And read the read me that comes with the download. It is there for a reason. Good Luck.

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The minimum requirements to run Fallout 3 are listed on the outside of the game box. Please read these requirements, than ask yourself "Does my system match or exceed these requirements?" If the answer is no, as in your case, there is nothing you can do to make the game run properly. The only way to have Fallout 3 run properly is to meet or exceed the system requirements.
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The only thing that does not meet or excedd the requirements is that my cpu is a 2.1 and the box says 2.4. They game has always ran fine on my computer until I started adding the mods. So the problems has to be with the mods. So I guess I will just uninstall the mods and go back to the original game. Thanks anyway for all your helpful suggestions.
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They game has always ran fine on my computer until I started adding the mods.

have you tried a bashed patch from (think its called ...) gary bash -- aka Wrye Bash



Have not heard of that before.


I am pretty new to adding mods like this. I normaly stick to racing games

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If you indeed are new to modding Fo3, then you should try adding 1 mod at a time instead of just installing a whole plethora of them.


I'd suggest re-installing Fo3, then adding mods 1 at a time. Begin with the simple and easy ones, read the readme's and pay attention to your load order.

Edited by BlackRampage
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