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your nexus skse stops running since new special edition


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why does you nexus launcher skse stop working since the new specuial edition came out


The Skyrim Script Extender is not a Nexus utility. It was made by the good people over at Silverlock. It is not an affiliation of the Nexus.



The Rabbit

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SKSE has nothing to do with Skyrim Special Edition. Try launching the game from the SKSE shortcut on your desktop. It should have automatically created one when you installed SKSE. If not, then there should be something called "SKSE_loader" in your Skyrim folder that you should be able to use to launch the game as well if I'm not mistaken.

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Indeed, SKSE is not a creation of Nexus.


why does you nexus launcher skse stop working since the new specuial edition came out


The new special edition Skyrim requires a completely rebuilt SKSE (labeled SKSE64) and the developers of the utility has a topic here regarding it's progress: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5206865-wipz-skyrim-script-extender-skse64/

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