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So, Do you play FO4 as a male or female?


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I think it was the great mod philosopher MxR who postulated that young guys like to play as females so they can take off their clothes and look at their titties. Suspect that is much more classic French philosophy than Greek, since no sheep are involved.


I have never felt comfortable going both ways in picking a gender for advanced role playing games that involve relationships with NPCs. Might be due to my being an old dude, might be due to hardening of the arteries, but for whatever reason, I stick with my own comfort zone.

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I've mostly played as a female character. I think at the end where old Shaun presents you with Synth Shaun a real mother would blow a gasket after having carried a baby for 9 months , given birth and then watched her husband shot and baby stolen....only to hear a synthetic being with a vacuum chip call her "mother".

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I run 2 men and 2 women. I don't usually do such an even 50/50 but in between the Voiced Player Character and the poor writing, I find I kind of have to switch genders for each new character. Otherwise it's just the exact same dad saying "yes," "sarcastic yes" or "yes for a price" to a different faction.

Gender roles don't mean s#*! to me. I've got a lady who's very much about the science and technology and totally loves her baby, and I've got a lady who's very much about doing drugs and setting things on fire and would probably find a way to turn her baby into a bomb. One guy is testosterone-fueled mercenary type with all sorts of chest hair, the other is a sullen stealth character out to prove that f*#@boys are dangerous too. Gender stereotypes are pretty stupid to begin with, and I feel like conforming to them in a game where your character choices are already pretty limited is just asking to get bored on your second playthrough.

As for followers, I find that I almost always lean towards the men, and I know why. It's because when I'm exploring the wasteland, fighting raider gangs, super mutants, and steampunk nazis, there are certain types of people I'd like to have watching my back. A well-credited mercenary would be good, or a seasoned wasteland hunter. Depending on my faction, I could also definitely use a brotherhood paladin, an institute courser, or a veteran stealth agent. I could certainly go in for The Hulk or an advanced combat droid with laser hands.
But I do not want a journalist, a scientist who only recently acquired legs, or a 'melee specialist' with arms like uncooked spaghetti.
Unfortunately it seems that Bethesda's writers have decided that female characters need only serve an aesthetic purpose.

As for people who only play one gender: Be my guest. Players who like to make their characters pleasant to look at? Guilty as charged. Players who insist on making freakishly malproportioned characters with breasts larger than the entire rest of their torso? Alright now it's become blatantly obvious that female characters are literally just vessels for boobs and asses to you, but whatever, just as long as you don't treat women in real life like that.
Players who say s#*! like "I prefer women because they're loving and nurturing" or "I prefer men because women couldn't handle themselves in combat" or "I dislike playing men because they don't have the same range of emotion" or "womens' are beautiful, men are ugly" can all board the sexist train and go straight to hell.

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I'm a female that always plays a female. Tried the male very briefly to hear a different voice, but it was out my comfort zone, as Moksha above me stated, and I deleted him fairly early on.


My husband plays F4 as well. He started out playing male but switched to female because he thinks she was better voice acted. At least that's what he says. Looking at the outfits he has her wearing, I suspect there are other reasons.

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I'm a female that always plays a female. Tried the male very briefly to hear a different voice, but it was out my comfort zone, as Moksha above me stated, and I deleted him fairly early on.


My husband plays F4 as well. He started out playing male but switched to female because he thinks she was better voice acted. At least that's what he says. Looking at the outfits he has her wearing, I suspect there are other reasons.


Yeah...... It didn't seem to bother my girlfriend that I almost always play a sexy female char. But, after this- I'm not so sure. Thanks. :huh:

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I'm a female that always plays a female. Tried the male very briefly to hear a different voice, but it was out my comfort zone, as Moksha above me stated, and I deleted him fairly early on.


My husband plays F4 as well. He started out playing male but switched to female because he thinks she was better voice acted. At least that's what he says. Looking at the outfits he has her wearing, I suspect there are other reasons.


Yeah...... It didn't seem to bother my girlfriend that I almost always play a sexy female char. But, after this- I'm not so sure. Thanks. :huh:


Nah, it's not bothersome. I get that most guys admire the female form and it's a more visually pleasing option. It's interesting over the years as we play the same games (mainly Fallout 4 and Skyrim) seeing how both our play style and mod lists are so completely different.

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I'm a female that always plays a female. Tried the male very briefly to hear a different voice, but it was out my comfort zone, as Moksha above me stated, and I deleted him fairly early on.


My husband plays F4 as well. He started out playing male but switched to female because he thinks she was better voice acted. At least that's what he says. Looking at the outfits he has her wearing, I suspect there are other reasons.

Does he play her in 3rd person view?


Like Moksha8088 i'm of an age where playing a femal echaracter would be outside my comfort zone, anyway I can have female companions and dress them how I want. If I was so inclined, of course. The only times that I have played a female character, was playing BloodRayne and Tomb Raider.

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I'm a female that always plays a female. Tried the male very briefly to hear a different voice, but it was out my comfort zone, as Moksha above me stated, and I deleted him fairly early on.


My husband plays F4 as well. He started out playing male but switched to female because he thinks she was better voice acted. At least that's what he says. Looking at the outfits he has her wearing, I suspect there are other reasons.

Does he play her in 3rd person view?


Like Moksha8088 i'm of an age where playing a femal echaracter would be outside my comfort zone, anyway I can have female companions and dress them how I want. If I was so inclined, of course. The only times that I have done so, was playing BloodRayne and Tomb Raider.


Yeah he always plays third person, while I always play in first. Nice to see some other older gamers around.

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HA! Older player here too. Played before multiplayer was a thing and then when it did hit we did it on 56k. Talk about painful.


@Ondrea, I have 2 toons for male and 2 for female and I must agree with your husband. The female dialog is just better IMHO. The eye candy is just icing on the cake. :)

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