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What am I not getting?


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This game is at its best when things happen that you can't really go back and duplicate because, well, you know. Your most memorable moments are probably like mine where it's hard to say why they were so awesome because you kind of had to of been there. But ask the rabbit who say it all unfold; he thought it was epic, too.


Yeah, stuff like that is what really gets you. I made a Khajiit male in order to do an Unarmed Combat run, which took a turn for what I considered utterly hilarious when I ran down the stairs to the Helgen torture room, found a Stormcloak on the floor struggling to escape the torturer who's going all Emperor Palpatine on him with the force lightning, and then immediately pulled off the 'punch them brutally in the face three times' unarmed execution kill on the torturer. In third person, so the guy is just completely dwarfed by my big cat, it's beyond vicious.


It took five damn minutes for me to calm down and breathe properly after being presented with this image of a colossal Khajiit running into the room and beating Emperor Palpatine to death with his bare hands in total "ain't no problem" boss mode. Even managed to keep that Stormcloak alive in the next fight too. Figured he earnt it. Named him Luke, obviously. I can't watch Return of the Jedi in quite the same way anymore, keep wishing Darth Vader were an angry Khajiit Cathay-Raht.


That's just not that funny unless you were me, having that day, and suddenly being tickled juuuuuust right....

Edited by Khorak
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This game is at its best when things happen that you can't really go back and duplicate because, well, you know. Your most memorable moments are probably like mine where it's hard to say why they were so awesome because you kind of had to of been there. But ask the rabbit who say it all unfold; he thought it was epic, too.


Yeah, stuff like that is what really gets you. I made a Khajiit male in order to do an Unarmed Combat run, which took a turn for what I considered utterly hilarious when I ran down the stairs to the Helgen torture room, found a Stormcloak on the floor struggling to escape the torturer who's going all Emperor Palpatine on him with the force lightning, and then immediately pulled off the 'punch them brutally in the face three times' unarmed execution kill on the torturer. In third person, so the guy is just completely dwarfed by my big cat, it's beyond vicious.


It took five damn minutes for me to calm down and breathe properly after being presented with this image of a colossal Khajiit running into the room and beating Emperor Palpatine to death with his bare hands in total "ain't no problem" boss mode. Even managed to keep that Stormcloak alive in the next fight too. Figured he earnt it. Named him Luke, obviously. I can't watch Return of the Jedi in quite the same way anymore, keep wishing Darth Vader were an angry Khajiit Cathay-Raht.


That's just not that funny unless you were me, having that day, and suddenly being tickled juuuuuust right....

Crazy coincidence that I just so happened to rewatch Return of the Jedi last night. The version I saw ruined my childhood experience tho with all the newly added stuff. Can't believe that actually inserted the actor from the recent movies to be Anikin at the end. WTF

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Crazy coincidence that I just so happened to rewatch Return of the Jedi last night. The version I saw ruined my childhood experience tho with all the newly added stuff. Can't believe that actually inserted the actor from the recent movies to be Anikin at the end. WTF


Its a travesty! As is the first film of the newer three...whats it called... Grr the one with jaja binks or whatever. I can't watch it!

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I've kill that torturer on every start, even when I'm with the imperial guy. Nobody seems to care.


Roleplaying a windowlicker? After they asked 100 people and the survey said your head was gonna roll? Who follows the Imperial??


In other news, yeah I'm kind of getting into it now. Got a story going on. Kind of an Arya Stark type deal. After Ulfrek killed the King and my father was killed as his friend. I managed to escape but got mixed in with prisoners, which is why my name isn't on the list. Cut my hair short and threw on some rags. Gotta hide!!!


Even made my character smaller in the console. Not a child but somewhere in between :D

Edited by worldofscotty
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Lol, ok I see your going to take any view that differs from your own as a "fanboy" stance, but ill play ball.


First off I have hundreds of hours in each of the Fallout games, and Oblivion, and Morrowind.


Secondly I didn't say prisoner was the "only" way, that's some BS you made up. I said it is the ES way.


Thirdly a character with 100 skill in Heavy Armor in Skyrim =/= a character with 100 Heavy armor and all the perks in it, the perks offer a new level of depth that no previous Elder Scrolls game had, they give higher armor ratings and other bonuses you ant get just by leveling up the skill, and you odnt have to get them all meaning that you can only have some perks and not other. Compare to Oblivion where a 100 Heavy armor skill was the same and offered the exact same bonuses no matter what character you were.


Fourthly I find it funny that you are so entrenched in your belief that you were willing to result to name calling and making things up about what I said in a vain attempt to insult me. Frankly your actions are childish.


What's hilarious is you were called a "fanboy" by somebody who claims to have more experience with Bethesda games than you. Oh the irony.



Anyway. The only depth that previous Elder Scrolls games had that Skyrim doesn't is the actual process of leveling. In Morrowind and Oblivion(the only others that I've played) you had to actually use strategy when leveling, whereas in Skyrim, all you have to do is use any skill that's not already at 100 and you'll get EXP to progress to the next level. Previous games required more thought as to which skills you chose as your major(and in Morrowind's case, minor) skills so you don't accidentally level up without getting your +5's, and also the fact that were actual stats other than health magicka and stamina.


I honestly hated the leveling and perk system at first, but then I began to love it, because it actually requires more strategy than the previous games. In Morrowind and Oblivion, as long as you knew what you were doing, you could get 3 +5's every level and max out all of your stats then start dropping +1's into luck(provided that you didn't screw yourself over when you were creating your class at the beginning). In Skyrim, without cheating, it's IMPOSSIBLE to max out everything. You can get 81 out of the, what, over 250 perks? Much more thought and strategy involved there if you ask me.

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Roleplaying a windowlicker? After they asked 100 people and the survey said your head was gonna roll? Who follows the Imperial??


I'd take an Imperial start if it let me get my hands on that Imperial Captain. You and Hadvar run into her during the escape, and she starts shouting at him for allowing this criminal free, that I should be dead, blah blah blah while Hadvar starts arguing furiously with her. If you leave it he manages to shout her into letting you come along, but she promises she'll deal with you afterwards. I want a Renegate Interrupt option where I just murder her during the argument. Hadvar looks at you for a moment and says, "It's a real shame the Stormcloaks got the Captain before we arrived. Lets get out of here."

Edited by Khorak
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Roleplaying a windowlicker? After they asked 100 people and the survey said your head was gonna roll? Who follows the Imperial??


I'd take an Imperial start if it let me get my hands on that Imperial Captain. You and Hadvar run into her during the escape, and she starts shouting at him for allowing this criminal free, that I should be dead, blah blah blah while Hadvar starts arguing furiously with her. If you leave it he manages to shout her into letting you come along, but she promises she'll deal with you afterwards. I want a Renegate Interrupt option where I just murder her during the argument. Hadvar looks at you for a moment and says, "It's a real shame the Stormcloaks got the Captain before we arrived. Lets get out of here."


^Want. >:}



And this thread seems to have really gone off topic. :|

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I just want to reiterate what others have said. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and FNV. And to start with Skyrim seemed the hardest to get into.




This is my first TES game and I fell into it pretty easily. In fact I "clicked" with this game while I was in riverwood before I even went to whiterun because I explored. You need to explore to enjoy the game thats the key.


Id did however take me awhile to figure out the classless system through a lot of trial and error though...Finally got a good character.


For you. However multiple people besides me posted it took a little while to get into Skyrim. That it clicked right away for you is great. But I really didn't get drawn in until well after I'd killed my first dragon, and then it was like a black hole...


I'll repeat, Morrowind, I was hooked from the beginning. FO3 I was hooked immediately. Oblivion I was going strong early and faded out the first time. Skyrim... well... Skyrim I actually 'beat' without taking an extended break. Once it gets it's hooks into you... it pulls hard.

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I just want to reiterate what others have said. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and FNV. And to start with Skyrim seemed the hardest to get into.




This is my first TES game and I fell into it pretty easily. In fact I "clicked" with this game while I was in riverwood before I even went to whiterun because I explored. You need to explore to enjoy the game thats the key.


Id did however take me awhile to figure out the classless system through a lot of trial and error though...Finally got a good character.


For you. However multiple people besides me posted it took a little while to get into Skyrim. That it clicked right away for you is great. But I really didn't get drawn in until well after I'd killed my first dragon, and then it was like a black hole...


I'll repeat, Morrowind, I was hooked from the beginning. FO3 I was hooked immediately. Oblivion I was going strong early and faded out the first time. Skyrim... well... Skyrim I actually 'beat' without taking an extended break. Once it gets it's hooks into you... it pulls hard.



Mmmmk I'm glad I have a little thread to document my downfall. I've done a 180. I love it!!!


RPing is great. I really wish there was a point to cooking though, WTB a hardcore mode


Gonna spend more time understanding professions tomorrow


Funnest thing so far. Guy with arrow still stuck in head can't find me in the shadows "Must have been my imagination" "So where'd that arrow come from???


Most annoying thing. Travelled half way across Skyrim exploring and found a cool little cave. Ventured down and down and down and found a master Vampire. He was wearing sweet Elven armour. Thanks for that!! Decided to head back to Windhelm to flaunt my new doodads in front of the common folk and right on the edge of Windhelm is a f***in Dark Elf thief who tried to rob me wearing my exact same armour!!! Where were you 3 hours ago???


First hax, You can get a constant stream of arrows by standing next to the target dummy in Dragon's reach ninjaing arrows as the guards shoot them :D


Dragons need to be 'arder' than Giants. Thats all kkthxbb!!

Edited by worldofscotty
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