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unknown mod drastically altering my cities and towns


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I've posted in other places when I first noticed this, but with some investigation I now know that at least Falkreath, winterhold,dawnstar,and morthal are drastically different than vanilla cities. I've compared them with a video of ETaC cities from oldrim, and they aren't the same as those either. the main gates of winterhold and dawnstar have large gates with large mammoths skulls above them. even if they are some version of ETaC, that would mean NMM selectively added files from oldrim into my SE playthrough on it's own without me doing anything of the sort. I do have cutting room floor and Expanded Settlements SE installed, UT neither of them are supposed to edit any of these areas.


If no one has any idea what is going on, I can add screenshots tomorrow. Falkreath and Winterhold both have shops that can't properly be interacted with, the doors say "open door" but won't enter any new cell. One of the shops allows me to enter but the clothier just acts like an npc, and all the unique clothing around the shop is free for me to take.


I'm at a loss and any help would be appreciated. also, what is best way to upload screenshots from steam?

Edited by wanderer3292
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Sorry I missed this thread earlier. I might have an answer.


I too experienced mod effects (not what you're describing, -something different) that had nothing to do with my mod list in NMM. I was quite stumped by it until one day I started my game through the NMM launch button instead of SKSE (Yeah, this is for Oldrim) because I wanted to make changes in my video options after upgrading my GPU. As the options menu came up, I saw a message flash at the bottom saying something about "Steam Workshop mods synchronized" or something similar.


"What the h3!!" I thought? "I don't use Steam Workshop for Skyrim. But when I opened up the workshop, sure enough, I was somehow subscribed to several mods. I don't know how that happened, but unsubscribing fixed my issue. So, check to see if maybe you're subscribed to some Steam mods by accident.

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I solved this actually, not sure how to edit the thread title though. I had a touch pad mouse on my keyboard, so when navigating my mods in NMM I guess I clicked ancient skyrim city overhaul. beautiful mod actually, but it is currently unfinished, hence the non functioning building.


navigation is much better with a proper mouse

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