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MDB to FBX, FBX to MDB converter


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I have released version 0.5. You can download it here: https://github.com/A...wn2mdk/releases



  • You can drag&drop directly to nw2fbx.exe or fbx2nw.exe and the log will be redirected to log.txt. When they are executed from the command line, the log is printed to the console as always.
  • Added a bunch of validations when converting FBX to NWN2. Search for "ERROR" in log.txt to see if there is any error.
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Thank you. It seems to work when I tried it with a C_Wolf_CL_Body01 model with c_wolf_skel.GR2 & animation, giving me an extended log.txt output.


One element I've noticed about the model/skeleton/animation conversion to FBX then Blender import is that the animation timeline doesn't end where I'd expect it to for a looping animation. Instead it just seems to use the Blender default value. Thus, for the c_wolf_Una_run.gr2 animation, the animation frames end at around 20, but the Blender timeline extends out to 250. I didn't see an obvious setting in the FBX import panel to correct for that. Neverblender imports of animated MDL files, for example, set the correct end points on the timeline.

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Aye that's unfortunate. Could I request that the actual animation duration from the imported gr2 animation file be printed to your log file? That way I can just set the timeline to match. Thank you.


I think it's easier to select an animated object to see the keyframes and update the timeline. For a looping animation set the final frame to the penultimate keyframe, since the last keyframe is equal to the first. Anyway, next version I will print animation duration to the log.

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I've been experimenting a bit with how to port NWN models to NWN2 using this tool. Some of the MDL models in the CEP come complete with animations, so I was looking at those for a starting point. From my novice perspective, it looks like NWN animates creatures via a set of smaller mesh parts, with a separate animation for each part. These are organized in a parent-child relationship, with the animations structured in a similar manner.


What I was naively thinking of trying then was: add a skeleton of bones to the parent that is structured similar to the MDL model, with the bones having the same name as the matching parts; apply Vertex groups to each of the individual mesh parts with names matching the bones; apply 100% bone weights for each part solely to the associated bone; remove all but one of the animations (leaving 'pause', for example), then try exporting to FBX. My hope is that the export will associate the animation with the armature, so that I can FBX-import the model in a form that works for NWN2. I can then join the meshes, retexture it, fiddle with the bone weights, and so forth.


I'm not sure whether this will work or not, but we'll see.

Edited by rjshae
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I'm not into NWN and I don't understand very well, but what you say about the way a NWN creature is composed reminds me of a multipart animated placeable. Maybe, if you parent the root part of the creature to a .PIVOT, export to FBX and convert to GR2 you will have a skeleton for free that you can convert to FBX and import into Blender.

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I have tried both exe (nw2fbx and fbx2nw) and they abort as soon as they begin. I have windows 10 family. I run the program as administrator. I have tried all compatibility version available (7, vista, 8, even 95). I have also tried to disable my antivirus (antivir).


I can't make the program work : the dos windows opens, and then a small windows opens which says "nw2fbx a cessé de fonctionner".


Does someone else experience this ?

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