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MDB to FBX, FBX to MDB converter


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It doesn' t work for 3ds max 8 (but this was just for testing purposes, I'm quite sure the fbx format has changed since 2006!). What's more problematic for me is that I can't get it to work for Blender 2.69 (in Linux).

I do get the mesh and collision balls, but only the root bone of the skeleton. So no animations either...

I'll install Blender under Win7 to see if it's an OS issue.


nw2fbx generates FBX binary version 7.4, which is a format from year 2014, so no wonder it doesn't work with a software from year 2006.


Did you compile my tools in Linux? Since currently my tools depend on granny32.dll to work with GR2 files, only if you compile in Windows or use my binary release it's going to work. Fortunately, like I explained in my last post, I could already get rid of the granny32.dll dependency, but I need to make changes to my tools.


Is anyone interested in running my tools in Linux or other OS?


I used nw2fbx on my Win 7 laptop (the one with 3ds max) and tried the fbx it generated on the Linux desktop. It kinda worked, since I get the mesh, the collision balls and the root bone, but although no error message shows in the log, and that the log lists all the bones in the skel, there's no skeleton after I import the resulting fbx in Blender.

I'm using version 2.69, I think there's a newer one. I'll check if that gives better results.

By the way, I tried:

- mesh only --> one fbx

- skel only --> another fbx

- anim only --> third fbx

=> only the mesh shows, nothing else

- all three together dropped on nw2fbx --> larger fbx

=> as described, everything is imported except the skeleton and the animations (but I guess it's related).



What particular MDB and GR2 files are you using?

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Sure, I downloaded it yesterday night. I didn't have time to check it out, but I will later today. I just upgraded Blender to version 2.79, and it now works. The bones seem to be horizontal (but I didn't check: maybe it's only the ap_ parts), but that's the case with expotron too.


Once more, great tool you wrote. Thanks a lot again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wait for something like that tools a long time! Then first I need to say - THANKS YOU, MAN!

I try export the black dragon with your nw2fbx with skeleton and have the next problem.
All rigging/weights is done, textures is working, but some mesh parts have one place with unweighted
It's like that

I just try to make mod with Skyrim and model for XNAlara Posing Studio (for a fanarts - alot peoples long time ask me about NWN2)
In Xnalarait's fatal, I can't remove doubled unweight mesh (because it'like single object) and not sure how to do it in Blender (noob in that)

I'm not sure about you an help with it, but just a note - maybe someone else has this bug with dragons only? For other just no check still.


Against - thank you! :)

EDIT: newermind, this was my bug - all is good now, thanks!

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And one else question...

Do someone know a number of Lady Aribeth armor, sword and face? I try to make more detailed model for her :smile:


Lady Aribeth was in NWN rather than NWN2, with character model: 'c_aribeth.mdl'. There's also a 'c_aribeth_evil.mdl' model, which looks like a reskin with darker armor. Basically for NWN2 you'll need to do a port, starting with Neverblender. I'm not sure about the sword -- in HotU, she's just equipped with a +4 longsword.


P.S. I you do go forward with this, I could certainly use a NWN2 model for the HotU reboot. Let me know if you need anything.

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And one else question...

Do someone know a number of Lady Aribeth armor, sword and face? I try to make more detailed model for her :smile:


Lady Aribeth was in NWN rather than NWN2, with character model: 'c_aribeth.mdl'. There's also a 'c_aribeth_evil.mdl' model, which looks like a reskin with darker armor. Basically for NWN2 you'll need to do a port, starting with Neverblender. I'm not sure about the sword -- in HotU, she's just equipped with a +4 longsword.


P.S. I you do go forward with this, I could certainly use a NWN2 model for the HotU reboot. Let me know if you need anything.


EDIT: can't find c_aribeth in my Data... all creatures and armors and weapons, but not her (unpack all files). Do u know the name of models viewer what working on windows 10?


Only one file named c_aribeth is effect file. Not model.


Neverblender not working for me - therefore I can't work with nwn2 a long times :smile:

I'm not sure - I'm new in NWN modding (working with Skyrim only), but good with modeling

I can make good looking creatures from that, but need learn for putting. Maybe if someone will have a wish for remade them, I can do models/

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