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Werewolf animations for Human.


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Umm...I have a feeling that would either not work or clip and derp out horrifically. The werewolf and humanoid characters use different skeletons, and animations, as far as I know, need to be made specifically for a given skeleton since it references "anchor points" or something like that that two skeletons wouldn't share. You'd have to remake the animations from scratch.
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Not so! You can port the animation Skeleton into Blender, and I think from there you can shorten the bones in the animation, that should be able to make it fit with some ease.


(note: This is based on a tenous grip of how animating in Skyrim and Blender actually works, experiment first.)

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If someone does manage to get this working, would like to see results. Specifically would like to see the sprint anim ported over, and killmoves also (though the Havok converter doesn't handle those properly now).


I do have a tutorial for animations posted on the wiki, but I'm not going to try readapting animations ... yet. No time currently.

Edited by jimhsu
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The real question is.. Why does one want to run around like a primate/animal? Takes all kinds I suppose.:unsure:

Why would anyone want half the mods on here? They just want to experience the game differently for whatever reason. Some of the mods I see people request basically don't even seem to fit, in my opinion, in the game's setting...but there's no reason NOT to do it, if that's what you want.

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