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In ELA we had to enter a contest called "The Laws of Life". In short you had to pick a memory and find a quote to go with it, then write about it, using the quote. So after a loooong time I finally landed on a memory that hurts still today. I only had a certain amount of words (700) so it was hard not to go over. I do think I did, but oh well. SO ,all this to say, this is the story I sent in.



In all of our lives we will go through hardships. We will cry so we can laugh. We will fight for our right to live.We will dance the night away and lover our lovers for the rest of our days. We do sail the great sea of unknown and are tossed around and beaten and broken.We sometimes make it out, and other times we don't. I can tell you for sure, I have been in the unknown and back, this is my story.


It was any other day for me at school. My little sister had just turned 3 the day before and I had a joy unlike any other. My parents tried for many years to have children. Something to share their new married joy. I apparently wasn't enough joy for my dear mother and step father. SO in trying they had many a children, all of whom died within months of conception. So after a while they stopped telling people, stopped telling me, so when the break came it wouldn't be as hard. So when this little light came into all of our darkness we all did our best to shield it from the winds of life.I had waited 13 long lonely years to have a sibling, I had always wanted an older sibling though someone I could look up to, as my mother never seemed to be around. But little did I know, on this day she was on the verge of being taken away from me forever.


Upon getting home, the fear of the unknown was tossed in my face. It was a fear that brought me to my knees in shock and in borderline tears. It was a pain of knowing that the one thing that mattered most to me was scared and alone somewhere in the sky, on her way to try for a chance to live. It was this realization that my sister had a brain tumor and no one knew if she would live or die.


The few days that I was with her, she would be screaming and crying. She would see a nurse come in cry her little eyes out, begging someone to make the nurse stop, because she knew what the nurse was there for. I would look to my parents to find some kind of comfort, just to hear one of them say that she would be OK, but no. That comfort was reserved for them, so that they could lean on each other in their time of need. Still, instead of comfort or just anything, but I saw the fear and stress on my family’s face, I felt the unknown hanging in the air suffocating us and driving us mad.


But it was here that I learned something that I will hold in my heart and that I will cherish forever. It was when I watched my sister finally fall asleep and listened to her heart on a monitor. It was when I watched my parents sleep on the floor tossing and turning trying to fight off the fears of night. It was when I saw the moon light dance along the ocean waves that it all hit me. A long ago saying that I was told came drifting into my mind as I was just about to fall into a deep slumber, “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.” And it was in that chair that I knew I had to be strong for my sister, family, and most of all for myself.






* Edit: there we go.....when I got to school I found out I only had 300-400 words and I needed at least 500...so yeah I got to write some more...So this is what I turned in. same gist.....just more words :P

Edited by Brittn
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Amazingly beautiful, honest and courageous of you to write this. Thank you, Brittin for posting those words of yours.

I have already given you kudos so please have some honourary kudos.

Edited by Maharg67
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