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Our mods are being "stolen" and uploaded elsewhere


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The title gives you the general idea...


I just had a little " head bumping" with someone called "kopasov" .


Out of his stupidity i was woken up to a bitter reality that every single one of my mods was translated and upload to a russian site without a single word about the fact.


In the "check boxes" of the permissions i have left the "allow users to upload to other sites" as NO


This idiot thinks that unless i have something in "notes" section that he can do as he pleases...


To clarify ...i have nothing against the russian people,in fact i love that country but this has nothing to do with geography or nationality .

Its a clear case of "stealing" and using content for their own benefit .


If you look at the site's content especially in the Fallout 4 section all you will probably see is NEXUS files.

I seriously doubt that 1 % of the authors of those files have any idea that their stuff is on another site.


Anyway after a lot of PM's and legal threats...they finally took my stuff down .


The site is http://gamer-mods.ru/


If anyone else feels offended by their actions make sure they know...


I also call upon the admins to ban "kopasov"


Note: at one point i was willing to let it slide and told him to "compensate me" (in the form of a donation since that site had a crapload of banners and adds )because they took all my stuff without asking .

yet he calls it "extortion"...lol wtf?? he stole from me and im extorting ??

Edited by greekrage
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If this conversation took place on the Nexus, please report it.


We'll then be able to see it and investigate it as necessary.

i have the archived conversation


pmed you with more details and the conversation archive

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Im building a MOD part from its enjoyment and part to share THAT enjoyment of something new, and I know Ill not get any reall compensense in return BUT

I do understand the distraught MOD builders go thru when their work is hi-jacked.


I'm going to insert some "anti-theft" code into a MOD I'm working with, if nothing more than to flash up on the screen who/where the MOD originated from.


Its not going to be a simple code, it will have multiple check points to monitor any modifications to the MODs original "Credit Screen" and that monitor code has to be somewhat hidden from the obvious ...not that its the silver bullet but I'll make the "hi-jacker" learn some coding if they want to go any further than downloading :smile:

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Looks like kopasov has been busy. He's even uploaded NMM there.

To say the least...


Just look at our files and what he uploads....they are hours apart...

Example..Working nuka machine was released hours ago....

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I just posted on a similar topic Dark0ne started about that Kopasov character in the mod author forum.


How can you combat them/him? How do you get it to stop? With petitions, emails, threats or anything short of outright hacking him/his site? If they condone pirated content, you can bet your bottom dollar they'd be happy to host morally ambiguous stolen free content. This debate has been going for a long time now, and some authors have thrown their hands up in the air and removed their content entirely.


What options are available to stop these bastards?

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The title gives you the general idea...


I just had a little " head bumping" with someone called "kopasov" .


Out of his stupidity i was woken up to a bitter reality that every single one of my mods was translated and upload to a russian site without a single word about the fact.


In the "check boxes" of the permissions i have left the "allow users to upload to other sites" as NO


This idiot thinks that unless i have something in "notes" section that he can do as he pleases...


To clarify ...i have nothing against the russian people,in fact i love that country but this has nothing to do with geography or nationality .

Its a clear case of "stealing" and using content for their own benefit .


If you look at the site's content especially in the Fallout 4 section all you will probably see is NEXUS files.

I seriously doubt that 1 % of the authors of those files have any idea that their stuff is on another site.


Anyway after a lot of PM's and legal threats...they finally took my stuff down .


The site is http://gamer-mods.ru/


If anyone else feels offended by their actions make sure they know...


I also call upon the admins to ban "kopasov"


Note: at one point i was willing to let it slide and told him to "compensate me" (in the form of a donation since that site had a crapload of banners and adds )because they took all my stuff without asking .

yet he calls it "extortion"...lol wtf?? he stole from me and im extorting ??

On what basis do You dare to accuse the website http://gamer-mods.ru/ and his administration in the "not legitimate" reproduction of your riot? You have the "Permissions" section did not specify any restrictions on distribution of Your content. After You have been denied in obtaining a large amount from the website You put restrictions on the dissemination of its work and posted here this shameful record, trying to enter a community Nexus zablujdenie and earn points!!! You dirty blackmailer and a liar!!! Can you take me to court where I would be happy to prove chovy really are! All the tools I have!
Site administration nexusmods.com I strongly suggest to remove this topic and vpret more attentive to such statements!
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Didn't specify permissions in a tab is not an excuse to go ahead and upload a users work at your own will, nor does it make it morally sound. Only in the case it states that permission is allowed should you then feel free to do so. If in doubt I'd be morally obliged to ask. Notice I am throwing the word "moral" around quite a bit.




Note: at one point i was willing to let it slide and told him to "compensate me" (in the form of a donation since that site had a crapload of banners and adds )because they took all my stuff without asking .

yet he calls it "extortion"...lol wtf?? he stole from me and im extorting ??

I support your cause Greek and I understand you must be feeling angry and confused as to what you can actually do to stop this, but this is borderline wrong. I get you didn't mean it like that, but you're fueling the fire here.

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